Author Topic: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?  (Read 3682 times)

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Offline razorback1

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Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« on: April 10, 2019, 11:31:53 PM »
I've only had the S2 for a short while but truly love and enjoy it. I've been thinking about sending it in for some customization work to make the sweetness even sweeter. The more I think about customization I realize the cost would be close to just buying a TSO. I realize the TSO is a completely different frame/barrel combination vs the Shadow 2. I do not shoot competitively just enjoy a  nice range toy for punching holes. As I understand the TSO is a competition gun. Wondering out loud if I would be happier with an S2 maxed out or just sell it and purchase a TSO. Anyone want to share  thoughts on this?

Offline scroadkill

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2019, 09:43:53 AM »
you have never tried a tso, have you? once you do the S2 looses its sparkle - still a great gun for the $ and a beast for production.

uspsa is a thing. u should try it at least once.. then we will talk.

Offline George16

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2019, 09:54:14 AM »
TSO hands down.

I got both and shoot them in USPSA. Both of them are Competition guns but the TSO is in a league of its own compared to the shadow 2.

By the way, I also have a czechmate but the TSO gets the most use. Even my wife shoots it more compared to the other two guns.

Offline adrian

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2019, 11:10:40 AM »
     Hiya razorback1 and thanks for your thread. And seems the operators chiming in are all for ya to try the TSO. Think some of the considerations are where exactly are you with finances and if you are able to afford the loss in investment on your Shadow 2 in order to finance the TSO purchase. Add to that, you realize that making your S2 even sweeter in custom work would approach what a TSO costs. I assume you are thinking of adding 400-500 of custom work making your 1200 investment a 1600-1700 investment. If I understood your initial thread.
     You have had the S2 a short bit and love and enjoy it. Its features are improvements on several platforms beneath it in cost. A short reset/trigger work can decrease its 9lbDA and 4lbSA,but would the cost give you a percent increase in enjoyment and love of the gun,prolly not. It certainly won't increase your cash return once selling it. There is truth to the adage,if it aint broke why fix it.
     Suppose its also good that you acknowledge the TSO is a different combo of frame and barrel. And comparisons are apples to oranges,so to speak. I can't afford a S2 or a TSO,but if I could,personally would like the TSO as I prefer SAO,2lb trigger for a range toy,and the shootability,accuracy,a heavier gun with a longer barrel can give. I kinda even like the chunkier grip it has. Doubt you'd find one at a rental counter,so barring a mate letting you shoot one,only then could you decide if you like it as much,or more. If money is not an issue,get one and see, maybe you will enjoy taking them both out on range days.
     The TSO is an "new and improved" tactical sports,which was discontinued last year,and it used to be the Champion. Perhaps you might put a gently used tactical sports on your list which at 700-800 bucks can be found. I saw a forum member selling a TS upper that was customized to fit on a TS lower as well as a shadow frame. In a sense a close second to what a long-slide is. A pairing of shadow and TS which I also enjoy shooting at the range with.
     So sorry we can't tell ya which decision you would be happier with. Just be happy with the choice you do make. Kinda like buying a new car, we don't want the enjoyment of new ownership dampened with the knowledge of the depreciation that occurred when we drove off the lot. That will rear its head when we are needing to sell it at some distant point in the future. Cheers,be well. 

Offline razorback1

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2019, 11:46:07 AM »
you have never tried a tso, have you? once you do the S2 looses its sparkle - still a great gun for the $ and a beast for production.

uspsa is a thing. u should try it at least once.. then we will talk.

Thanks for your reply. You are exactly correct, I have never tried a TSO. There are several nice gun shops in my area but I have never even seen or held a TSO in real life because no body stocks them. All the info I have is what I read and pictures I see on the internet. That is why I posed the question and am reading this site, to gain info. Purchasing the shadow has triggered my interest in the TSO.

Offline adrian

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2019, 12:37:38 PM »
     Hiya razorback1 and thx for rechiming in. And we feel ya,with so many platforms to entice us and often most ill equipped checkbooks to entertain all of them at once. I began with a p-02 and wanting a fuller size range gun chose a shadow,and then wanted it tuned with a short reset,lighter springs. Then noticed at the range shooting mostly in SA,so sent it off for swapping the DA/SA to SAO, it worked but was a semi fail, added insult to injury having it set up for a red dot,mount,slide racker,only then figuring out,I don't like the squiggling little red dot to iron sights. Expensive evolution of knowledge. A base model tactical sports was my next investment,recall only adding a metal trigger,and hammer/polish work. Had one set up with FO front another with factory irons,liked them both the same. SAO and liked the heat of it. This evolved to me wanting a long slide,but with the pairings avail ,and my experience with the shadow,went with a DA/SA long slide, the balance is incredible and even tho a TS and CM go to the range,the long slide is the best fed of the three. And I know that the process is different for each and every owner. Its a pretty big community here, announce where you live and if open to short road trip to a fellow members area,or next competition and I'm sure you can shoot a TSO for the price of a pint and lunch. Be well.

Offline oteroman

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2019, 12:48:48 PM »
I would sell the S2
You will not match the trigger of the TSO.
If you sell the S2 after upgrades it is more difficult to recoup your investment.
The TSO is perfect out of the box.
If you try to lighten the S2 trigger much you will need Federal primers.
With a TSO you can use any primers and still have a sub 2 pound trigger.

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Offline rg422

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2019, 01:23:41 PM »
I have both. It all comes down to your preference, but between the two, as a range toy it's difficult to beat the TSO. The Shadow 2 is a nice gun, designed for USPSA production division, but the trigger on the TSO is phenomenal. My TSO is 9mm, so it's just a range toy now, so if you 'think' you may want to try competition down the line, get one in .40S&W; best way to meet major Power Factor.

Offline razorback1

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2019, 03:17:37 PM »
Fellows, thanks for all the good sage input. I'll just continue to shoot and enjoy the stock S2 for a few months and then down the road think more about a TSO. I realize anytime we customize a car, gun, etc. we will not get those dollars. Later if I decide on a TSO, the S2+ $400-500 saved from not customizing would pay for a TSO. Again thanks for sharing your thoughts about this.

Offline recoilguy

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2019, 04:36:23 PM »
Great decision in my book Razorback1

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2019, 06:58:05 PM »
Another vote for the TSO. I also have a buddy who has a TSO, and he bought a shadow 2 afterwards. After firing the first 5 rounds of the Shadow 2, he looked at me and said "Why did I buy this?" He wasn't knocking the shadow 2, he just realized that it didn't compare to the TSO.

Offline razorback1

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2019, 10:25:25 PM »
Another vote for the TSO. I also have a buddy who has a TSO, and he bought a shadow 2 afterwards. After firing the first 5 rounds of the Shadow 2, he looked at me and said "Why did I buy this?" He wasn't knocking the shadow 2, he just realized that it didn't compare to the TSO.

LOL, I can relate to that on a few of my gun purchases over the years. Makes ya feel kind of dumb.

Offline Matt101

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2019, 04:54:15 AM »

Seems I have a contrary opinion. I have a TSO and multiple S2?s. The TSO is stock. The S2?s have some minor work done to them but with the exception of springs the parts are all stock.

The SA in the TSO is just under 2lb. The SA in the S2?s is just over 2lbs.

The S2?s setoff Federals, S&B?s, Winchester?s and CCI?s with no problems.

I shoot these competitively and would have no problem using the S2?s in Standard if it wasn?t for Major scoring.

For pure range work, if money isn?t a problem maybe i?d pick the TSO but that doesn?t mean you?d be disappointed with the S2?s.

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Offline Doublejt

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2019, 03:56:07 AM »
I own both and while I consider the shadow 2 to be a more versatile handgun.  I carry one daily.  I cannot deny the TSO is a nicer range toy.  Even if you could get the single action trigger on the shadow 2 to match the trigger on the TSO, the slide to frame tolerances cannot be over looked. Shake a shadow 2 and you will notice a slight bit of movement, shake a TSO.......nothing.

Offline 2morechains

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Re: Shadows 2 Customized or TSO?
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2019, 12:09:32 PM »
For a minimal investment in springs and two parts you can really improve upon the stock trigger pull on the Shadow 2.  I think I spent ~$60 buying the following from Cajun Gunworks:  11.5 lb hammer spring, 11 lb recoil spring, trigger return spring, extended firing pin that comes with the reduced weight FP spring, and since you?re replacing your trigger return spring you might as well get the floating trigger pin for ease in replacement.  My DA is 7 lbs and SA is 2.25 lbs.