Following my CZ 97 make-over last week (trigger job, lighter springs and stainless steel guide rod mod,) I went to the range today and brought along a Colt 45.
Shot 50 rounds of 230gr FMJ S&B and 50 rounds of 230gr FMJ CCI Blazer at 7 yards. The rounds went through both pipes flawlessly.
I put 60 rounds through the 97 and it went as expected: Smooth and light trigger action with little recoil. The stainless steel guide rod mod also worked.
I put 40 rounds through the Colt: The Colt is stock and performed amicably.
Between the two, I really enjoyed the tuned 97. I have small hands but the rubber grips worked well. The 97 is also heavier which helped tame the recoil.
Blame the poor groupings on me, not the pistols