Author Topic: Why is there so much slack in the standard CZ 75B trigger?  (Read 2366 times)

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Offline Metal Wonder Nine Guy

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Why is there so much slack in the standard CZ 75B trigger?
« on: June 08, 2019, 12:23:07 PM »
So out of the DA/SA handguns I've fired so far, the 75 has a heavy but very smooth DA pull. But the 75B also has a very squishy SA trigger. There is a lot of takeup in the 75B's SA trigger, and even after you hit the wall in the trigger pull, there still is some creep in the trigger. Why is this the case? My 92FS and PX4 still have creep but a very crisp and apparent wall in their SA triggers. The Sigs that I've rented have similar (and slightly better) triggers than my Berettas. I understand that double action autoloaders will have some slack in the single action trigger. That's just the way it is, as DA guns are more complex than single action only guns. I'm just surprised by the amount of takeup in the 75's trigger.

For the record, I AM NOT trying to rip on CZ. This question comes after putting over 500 rounds through my own CZ-75B since mid-March. If I keep taking it to the range, then I clearly like this gun.

Here's a good demonstration of the CZ-75 stock trigger, as I don't have a youtube channel.

Offline Tok36

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Re: Why is there so much slack in the standard CZ 75B trigger?
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2019, 02:18:09 PM »
Ok, the fist point that i want to make is do not listen to TheYankeeMarshal. :) In this case he dose not appear to understand the subject well.

As to your question. The creep in a factory CZ75 variant SA trigger is a product of the height of the hammer hooks and the geometry of the hammer sear relationship. This can be remedied with an aftermarket race/comp hammer because the hammer hooks are shorter and the hammer geometry is modified. With a hammer upgrade the creep can be significantly reduced or eliminated.

The SA pre-travle/take up is in part a product of the function of the Firing Pin Block. The FPB requires a bit of trigger travel to function. The remaining SA pre-travle is slop which i assume is present to avoid issues with tolerance stacking.  Like many aspects of a factory CZ the amount of factroy pre-travle varies from pistol to pistol. With the FPB removed this travel is no longer required for function. To reduce or illuminate this non essential pre-travle a thicker disconector can be installed. A thicker disco moves the at rest in Single Action the trigger position rearward. This can be taken as far as hand fitting an oversized disco to completely eliminate the SA pre-travle. Linked below is an example of a hand fitted disco to a CZ with the FPB removed.

Some of this stuff can be observed with a CZ pistol still assembled. If you take a close look at the hammer and sear with the pistol fully cocked in SA while you slowly pull the trigger you can see how much trigger travel is required to raise the sear up high enough for the hammer to drop. You can also observe the FPB lifter arm start to rise up once it is engaged by the trigger bar.

CGW Type 3 Disco fitting fun.;topicseen

« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 04:31:09 PM by Tok36 »
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Why is there so much slack in the standard CZ 75B trigger?
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2019, 02:59:40 PM »
With a good hammer (I've gotten good hammers from CGW and CZ USA (I'm sure the CZ Custom triggers are as good, but I've never bought one from them) the trigger can be so "crisp" that it feels lighter than it really is.  I have a couple that are 3 lbs. on the ga. but you won't believe it takes that much force to drop the hammer.  I had to do it three times while looking at the gauge after I installed the hammer.

Having said all that, I have no issues with "slack", that movement between where the trigger is when you put your finger on it and where it is when it stops rearward movement at the "wall."  I do have issues with the feel and the distance the trigger moves from "the wall" to where the hammer drops.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline lemmy

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Re: Why is there so much slack in the standard CZ 75B trigger?
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2019, 09:36:00 PM »
CZ75's action is partly based on the SIG P210 action and has a two stage trigger.  The first stage isn't creep, it's the action setting up for the SA pull.  If you pull the trigger slowly you can see the hammer also going rearward before the let-off.  If you pull the trigger in one smooth quick motion you won't notice any "creep".

Offline arthurstearl

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Re: Why is there so much slack in the standard CZ 75B trigger?
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2019, 02:50:18 PM »
I own an Omega and it's got one of the best single action triggers there is double action I don't shoot anything and double action if I want a hit when I'm shooting at

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Offline briang2ad

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Re: Why is there so much slack in the standard CZ 75B trigger?
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2019, 09:09:13 AM »
CZ75's action is partly based on the SIG P210 action and has a two stage trigger.  The first stage isn't creep, it's the action setting up for the SA pull.  If you pull the trigger slowly you can see the hammer also going rearward before the let-off.  If you pull the trigger in one smooth quick motion you won't notice any "creep".

How is the trigger on the P210 which has a single trigger bar and SA only, like the CZ 75B with dual trigger bar and DA/SA?