So I just got a transfer in yesterday of a EAA Witness Poly 10mm - and told myself - ok NO guns for a little while, you better start saving for that Dillon you said you were gonna get this winter.
Well I also sold and AK to a guy at the range while I was doing my paperwork on the EAA Witness (he had wanted it a long time and finally had the money). Needless to say I had all this cash screaming to be spent - my plan was to buy AMMO but not until next weekend when I can get to my ammo guy
Well I'm out running errands and I'm real close to Cabela's which isn't too close to my house - so I usually stop in when I'm near it. I figure I can see if they can beat my S&B price I would get next weekend (they couldn't) I look at the used shotguns (I want an old Winchester 18inch-ish or one I can cut that isn't worth a lot). Nothing in shotguns for me...meh I'll go check the used fancy/used gun room - they never have anything I want and always too expensive and usually no CZs.
BOOM CZ 97B model# 01411 2018 dated $499.00 - I ask the guy to see it...and ask about it - put on shelf yesterday - box/everything/2 mags - let's fill out that paperwork!!!!
This is the exact model I wanted too - at my favorite shop a couple weeks ago they gave me a price NEW out the door of $630.00 and honestly that is a steal - but I told them no man, I gotta buy this Dillon reloader! lol
2nd mag in the box is untouched and looks to never of been inserted into the gun (or he bought a new on and stuck it in box) When I was checking out the girl said - man I wish we would get rid of all those Kimber's and sell CZs. I said YES!!! but sadly I told her they probably have more Kimber buyers than CZ buyers in their market
On a side note - I asked the guy..hey man can I get a discount? He said that it had only been out since Saturday so no, but he said you can look at the tags and if the store inventory number begins with a 86******** (least my store), that they are real new in inventory and can't really deal on them...IF you see a different number then they should be able to deal - I watched a guy get 50 bucks off a pistol he was buying in the used/fancy/gun room.
So I remember reading somewhere about loctite and the loaded chamber indicator? Is this correct?