I owned,shot, and sometimes carried Glocks for many years, so I was accustomed to striker-fired pistols. However, what I carried more often was a S&W J-frame .38 because it was simply easier / safer / more convenient to pocket carry. So I was already somewhat familiar with the challenges of a DA trigger pull.
I was originally very interested in the P-10C when it was first released, but started looking into the P-07 and decided to try one out at the range, then later purchased one... liked it a lot... then sold my Glock and bought a second P-07 for backup / range / dry fire practice.
I have a lot more DA trigger practice time in now, compared to when I had a Glock, both dry and live. I still have my J-frame but I don't carry it very often. I have a DAO pocket .380, a Sig P290RS, that I use for pocket carry when it isn't convenient to carry my P-07. Too bad CZ doesn't make a pocket-sized polymer hammer-fired gun, or I'd be looking to buy it.
I personally like the safety factor of a DA first trigger pull, and I like to have carry guns with identical or at least very similar manual of arms. None of my carry guns have a safety, and they are all DA, at least for the first pull. So that's why I made the choice I did. If I was going to go back to a striker-fired carry gun, I'd probably get a gen 5 G19 MOS (the gen 5 G19 without that stupid grip cut-out), polish the trigger internals myself, and put one of those striker control gadgets on it, so I could "ride the hammer" with my thumb when re-holstering like I do with my hammer-fired carry guns.