Author Topic: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?  (Read 20301 times)

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Offline earlan357

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2019, 09:33:56 PM »
IMO, there's a big difference in asking which you like vs what's best.  My post wasn't about that, just which you like and why?

FWIW, I'm still hoping to hear whether the P10 series uses a fully cocked striker.


Does it make a difference if it’s a fully cocked striker?  The P10 has in my opinion a great out of the box trigger.

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To some it does.

The P10 striker is not fully cocked when the trigger is forward.  The principal is exactly the same as the Glock "Safe Action".

Offline Blueknight

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2019, 09:56:38 PM »
My 2cents......If you're going to use multiple guns for SD...Pick ONE manual of arms: SA cocked and locked, DA/SA 1st round DA, or striker-fired; but don't mix 'em.

Yeah, I know plenty of guys do, but I subscribe to the K.I.S.S. for pressure situations.  -JMO

I agree

Offline Blueknight

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2019, 09:59:26 PM »
The P10 striker is not fully cocked when the trigger is forward.  The principal is exactly the same as the Glock "Safe Action".

Thanks for answering that question

Offline Claymore504

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2019, 10:21:29 PM »
First step would be pick DA/SA or striker and go from there. For DA/SA the p07/p09 is excellent. For striker I prefer others over the P10.

Offline thedude

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2019, 10:26:32 PM »
Both.  ;D

I still like the M&P 2.0 better though.

Offline DOC 1500

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2019, 11:30:39 PM »
 the reason you're seeing so much talk about the P10 in the polymer section of the Forum is because the P10 is the newest pistol made by CZ.
If you go back in the Forum to the time of when the P10 came out you would find that most talk was about the po7 and po9.
The new baby in the family gets the most attention.
When a new  baby comes into production there will be another 10,000 questions, hence most of the questions and talk are about the P-10-S-C-F.
And when somebody is new to CZ , they want to ask comparisons about the new Pistols as  compared to the next oldest pistol.
And here we are with your question.
 Two different animals.
Just Google  striker vs DA/SA
That should give you enough reading material for a week.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 11:36:23 PM by DOC 1500 »
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Offline GRU7_Mike

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2019, 11:42:59 PM »
I keep buying guns and I keep asking myself why after I take my P-07 to the range.  Just something about that gun that makes all my others take a backseat when it comes to enjoyment at the range.  I am most accurate with it, the feel is perfect and there are never any problems with any and all ammo. 

Also, I prefer SA hammer fired firearms....not that I do not have both and really like my DA striker fired Kahrs.

My brother in law has a new P-10c and he loves it...but .....shoots my P-07 better.  I like his P-10c, but just does not work for me. 

Last thing is ...can not beat the .22 Kadet conversion for the P-07.  One gun and twice the fun. 
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Offline robow7

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2019, 11:50:25 PM »
Coming from having owned Glocks in the past, I'm more accustomed to striker fired handguns and hence, like the P10C better.  My P10C has been extremely reliable and my G19's sure aren't seeing the love they once did.  If only the aftermarket crowd would catch on and give the P10 the attention it deserves.

Offline CCWLearner

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2019, 03:01:51 AM »
I owned,shot, and sometimes carried Glocks for many years, so I was accustomed to striker-fired pistols.  However, what I carried more often was a S&W J-frame .38 because it was simply easier / safer / more convenient to pocket carry.  So I was already somewhat familiar with the challenges of a DA trigger pull.

I was originally very interested in the P-10C when it was first released, but started looking into the P-07 and decided to try one out at the range, then later purchased one... liked it a lot... then sold my Glock and bought a second P-07 for backup / range / dry fire practice.

I have a lot more DA trigger practice time in now, compared to when I had a Glock, both dry and live.  I still have my J-frame but I don't carry it very often.  I have a DAO pocket .380, a Sig P290RS, that I use for pocket carry when it isn't convenient to carry my P-07.  Too bad CZ doesn't make a pocket-sized polymer hammer-fired gun, or I'd be looking to buy it.

I personally like the safety factor of a DA first trigger pull, and I like to have carry guns with identical or at least very similar manual of arms.  None of my carry guns have a safety, and they are all DA, at least for the first pull.  So that's why I made the choice I did.  If I was going to go back to a striker-fired carry gun, I'd probably get a gen 5 G19 MOS (the gen 5 G19 without that stupid grip cut-out), polish the trigger internals myself, and put one of those striker control gadgets on it, so I could "ride the hammer" with my thumb when re-holstering like I do with my hammer-fired carry guns.

Offline flphotog

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2019, 08:42:27 AM »
Why incomparable? 

Firing mechanics aside, they're both approximately the same size and probably designed to fill the same role.
He's right they are basically incomparable from the mechanical aspect that's enough. A 3-4 inch K frame revolver is also similar in size but that is where it ends. Mastering the DA first shot as with the P-07 is something that many don't like or are unwilling to practice so they opt for the striker fired platform like the P10 with it's consistent/same trigger pull from first shot to last.
A more fair comparison would be the P-07 vs a Sig P2022 or some other similar in size compact hammer fired pistol and then the P10 vs a glock 19 or a Walther PPQ.
My personal preference is the P-07 as I have less than zero use for striker fired guns.

All true.  I don't know why people want to compare head to head, and I don't know why they are on the same site.  Makes no sense.  Can we 'get separated' please?

Maybe they should name the site, "Guns that take P10 mags", LOL.

I simply converted mine to cocked and locked, no DA pull to worry about. The P-07 is the only CZ I still own, at one time I had 5, now just the one. My primary carries are now H&K's and a couple 1911's but I still like the 07 and carry in now and then

Offline Blueknight

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2019, 09:33:27 AM »
And when somebody is new to CZ , they want to ask comparisons about the new Pistols as  compared to the next oldest pistol.
And here we are with your question.
 Two different animals.
Just Google  striker vs DA/SA
That should give you enough reading material for a week.

Thanks for your reply but I got my first CZ back in '03...a I'm not sure I'm "new" to CZ. 
My OP was not even asking what the difference is between DA/SA and striker fired pistols, which by the way, I don't need an explanation of.  I've been shooting a striker pistol for the last 8 years or so and before that I was an instructor on a DA/SA pistol for around 15 yrs.

So both models are compact polymer guns, essentially the same in size, that represent a new direction for CZ's line-up.  So yeah, to me they're comparable but nobody said one has to be "better" than the other...just different.  I'm just interested in what you guys like and why.

BTW, according to the CZ instruction manual for the P10, they describe the mechanism as a "precocked SA trigger mechanism".  I interpret that as fully cocked but will do a little more research.

Offline Vinny

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2019, 09:59:34 AM »
With all due respect, I don't think your OP was clear about your intended use.
Is the P-07 vs. P10 comparison based upon SD choices, bull's-eye shooting, competition, range toy??

The trend in striker-fired pistols is to make the triggers lighter and lighter; to the point where I made a personal decision that I don't want a light trigger anywhere near my family jewels. I dumped all my strikers and went DA/SA.
Oh, I still have SAO 1911's and 22 pistols that I only use at the range, but for SD I feel safer with a DA 1st round. Others chose Cocked and Locked to carry safely. The Omega trigger option of choosing either is what makes the P-07/P-09 (and a limited number of CZ 75's) unique. JMO   
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Offline cstellabott

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2019, 10:34:48 AM »
Have both, have carried both, I’m more of a hammer fired fan so P07 all the way. Nothing against the P 10 C, fine pistol. I do get trigger bite with the P10c, but that’s not why I like the P07 better. Just feels like a much better gone. Ahh, get both ; )

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Offline MadDuner

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2019, 10:36:13 AM »
I have plenty of striker fire handguns - that I thoroughly enjoy shooting out in the desert or out at the range.  I even open carry them out in the desert.  They shoot very nicely.  I am simply not convinced that the little widget trigger or grip safeties will keep me from a ND at the worst possible time and place in a concealed carry environment where all it takes is a bunched up T-shirt in front of the trigger to make it go bang.

For daily concealed carry - it will always only be a DA/SA weapon.  After 50 years of shooting, the first DA trigger pull is ingrained into all of my shooting training.  It’s what I trust.  No safety to turn off, just clear the holster and pull the trigger.  Yes, absolutely - that anybody that’s trained 50 years in a “cocked and locked” scenario would disengage that safety automatically exactly with the same efficiency I do the DA trigger.  Don’t read this wrong.  I am not disparaging anyone else’s choices of what or how they carry.  This is just MY mindset for my choices.

All that said, I will probably purchase a P-10 to compliment my collection.  I have no doubts that I would enjoy shooting it as much as I do every other CZ I own.  I just won’t conceal carry it.

And on top of that, I still don’t shoot my P-07 as well as I do my P-01 that’s basically the exact same size.... but I enjoy the challenge of working to improve that situation.

Offline Blueknight

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Re: P07 vs P10C, What's Your Pick?
« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2019, 11:20:02 AM »
With all due respect, I don't think your OP was clear about your intended use.
Is the P-07 vs. P10 comparison based upon SD choices, bull's-eye shooting, competition, range toy??

The trend in striker-fired pistols is to make the triggers lighter and lighter; to the point where I made a personal decision that I don't want a light trigger anywhere near my family jewels. I dumped all my strikers and went DA/SA.
Oh, I still have SAO 1911's and 22 pistols that I only use at the range, but for SD I feel safer with a DA 1st round. Others chose Cocked and Locked to carry safely. The Omega trigger option of choosing either is what makes the P-07/P-09 (and a limited number of CZ 75's) unique. JMO

I agree with this all the way and that's how I came to be the owner of a new P07...even though I have much more experience with the Beretta 92FS.