Vinny--The Kahr is a regular striker fired action but with a very long, very smooth, trigger pull. Takes some getting used to, but it is great once you get over the "why hasn't this thing gone off yet" travel. I quite liked it when I was carrying a Kahr PM-40 and PM/CM-9. I even thought about buying a 4" Kahr at one time...before the P10's were released. Really like the P-10 triggers with a few CGW parts and a 4 lb Glock striker spring. Kahr's are gone.
Thanks Joe for the clarification.
A few years back I had been considering a Kahr PM/CM9 for pocket carry, but couldn't find a local range to try one, so I got my 9mm SIG 290rs instead and it's a true DAO hammer-fired with 're-strike' capability. Not only is the trigger pull long apparently like the Kahr, the reset is also long and the trigger pull although smooth is 8- 9+ lbs. Maybe akin to a S&W J-frame. It's a challenge to shoot well quickly, but it was what I wanted for a safe pocket carry.
I've since picked up a SIG P365 and it shoots circles around the SIG 290rs; but the trigger pull at 5-1/2lbs is a tad short and light to be floating around my pocket.
However, in another thread Armoredman hinted something like the P365 'might' be coming from CZ. He wouldn't say what and when, but only that "Good things come to those with patience" or something like that. Visions of a shorter, thinner, smaller 10-12 round version of the P-10s came to mind. Not to start rumors or anything like that.
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