My buddy has all the cz's.
I recently got my pistol can and borrowed all his threaded guns to pick a host. I shot the p07, the sp-01, and the p01, back to back with my liberty mystic x and some 124 grn lrn reloads moving a little over 900 fps. At 10 yds, the 07 ran flawlessly and shot point of aim. The sp01 shot about a foot low and my groups opened up to about 2x original size (loaner guns, new suppressor, my best groups of the day were Prbably 3" at 10 yds)
The p01 had numerous failures to extract and eject, and printed about a 1 fot group. I bought the p07, even though I generally prefer the 75 pattern guns. I also shot the p10c, no can. If was by far the best feeling and shooting gun, but all the research I have read (not much out there) indicates it has problems cycling reliably with a can. And with my light reloads, I didnt want to risk it. He also had an unthreaded p07 with the full cajn package in it. It was better enough than stock that I bought the kit for the p07 I bought off him.