I had a pair on my p10 f, but quickly changed them out once trijicon came out with the HD(s) for them.
I like the serrated rears on the HD(s), I don't like the black rings on the rears of the night fision, they still attract my eyes more than the HD(s), and I like the wider U notch on the trijicons, and how the paint on the trijicons are luminecent for a while.
I like the commonality as well, I have HD(s) on my glocks, hk(s), and my p10; and my m&p which has since been sold, I like having the same sight picture over the multiple platforms I use.
Have you looked at the Night Fision sights yet? I run those on both of my P10Cs and one of my P07s and love the things. I used to be a big fan of HDs and have them on several guns but I like the Night Fision better. They are worth checking out especially this weekend as they usually have a really decent holiday special running