Author Topic: Info on the Rami for CCW work.  (Read 8270 times)

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Offline mecenas

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Re: Info on the Rami for CCW work.
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2020, 04:37:43 AM »
I agree, RAMI is a great gun, particularly with CZ Custom or CGW work, but for me it was just a bit too bulky and heavy for EDC. I am 5'8" tall and at any position on the belt, including appendix it was printing, unless I was wearing a coat and in Florida it does not happen too often.
Then I tried CZ P10S - a bit better in weight and thickness, a lot better in accuracy but still too thick. Then I switched to SIG P365 with LIMA green laser and my searched ended. It is by far the most concealable pistol with a higher capacity mags. I carry it at 1 o'clock position and it disappears even with just a shirt over it.
Not to depreciate the value of RAMI, it is a great gun, but unless you are tall and bulky, it just does not work as EDC piece.

Offline Tonopah

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Re: Info on the Rami for CCW work.
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2020, 02:17:21 PM »
I've been carrying a CZC Rami BD for a while now.  I carry with an IWB Falco holster.  As I get older (72) and my waist continues to disappear, I sometimes wear Perry suspenders and it sure makes carrying any sidearm more comfortable due to preventing my belt from sagging...!  I like the Rami (I own a CZC P-01 and a 97 BD too). They all feel good in the hand and shoot reliably and accurately.  BUT, truth be told, the best CCW pistol I own is a Sig P365.  It just disappears, is flat and light weight, and shoots totally reliably -- 10+1 is hard to beat in a pistol of that size.  But the Rami is somehow nicer.
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