Wanted to give you all a quick update: Managed to get it out to the range with about 90 minutes of daylight remaining and oh yeah, no surprise, it's a phenomenal shooter. A friend and I ran 100 rounds of WWB NATO 124gr FMJ thru it without any issues. In fact, we didn't even bother to power-up the the Venom's red dot, preferring instead to shoot using the front FO sight and the Venom's rear white-outline 'notch' (which is nice to have) and we consistently and effortlessly hammered steel targets at 10-12 yards.
The plan is to zero the red dot during my next trip to the range in a couple of weeks. Yesterday was just a functionality test and to see if it was possible to hit anything without using the red dot. Yes! Once I figured-out the correct elevation of the front sight, it was amazing. The six-plate rack you can kind of see in the pic was almost too easy to clear but a few of those smaller steel plates, further back at 12-15 yards, proved to be difficult as usual. Overall, though, A+ on accuracy. I'm looking forward to getting the Venom zeroed-in.