I read about XD and XDM pistol breaking their striker retaining pins. PRP sells a heavy duty version. I bought some, but have not gotten around to installing them after the big XD ended up in the safe a few months back.
Some CZ's never have an issue with the firing pin retaining pin. Some due.
Parts are variable. There is always a specification for each part. Length, diameter, finish, hardness, etc. So you take a bunch of parts, with in their specification range and put them all together to make a pistol. A combination of parts, in spec., but far enough from the center of the spec in on direction or the other, can cause problems. I believe people call it "tolerance stacking."
Can the specification range be tightened up? Absolutely. But it causes the cost of the parts to go and the cost of the pistol to go up.
Having had the damage once, if it was mine I'd take precautions to keep it from happening again. Snap caps, O-rings, regular removal, inspection, replacement of the pin, etc. Which ever one works and is acceptable based on time, effort and money.