thanks to every one for input
You are certainly welcome. • While TG is popular, it's also very sensitive and dense.
• It's a very easy powder to double charge due to the very small volume. Its volume is so small, you may actually see velocity differences depending upon whether you point the gun
Up or
Down just before the shot is taken. That is to say in small loads and/or large cases, the powder becomes "position sensitive".
This should definitely be included in your testing.• There's another thing you need to read between the lines to understand. Because of the requirement for
fine metering, most of the guys using this powder are using high-end powder measures that are extremely
accurate and
repeatable. This is
not a powder you want to use with "scoops" or other inaccurate or beginner equipment. This is
not a powder you want to use if you do not understand how much your powder measure varies over 100 'drops'. You need to become super wary, quantify your powder measure output, and 100% checking needs to become part of your process.
Not trying to scare you. Just trying to point out the difference between 'inexpensive' and 'easy to use'.