Hi my name is Toby and I am a Brass Hoarder
I am running into a storage issue with all my brass. I worked a number of major matches last year and consequently have hauled in a ton of brass. This theme will continue this year so I am trying to come up with a better solution for storage and rotation. I don't drink coffee but I've been using these ~1 gallon storage containers from the dollar store to keep the sorted by caliber and head stamp. I need bigger containers or a different way to work new brass into the rotation.
I (along with my children) currently sort the brass by headstamp but only keep the headstamps I like to use sorted, the rest I just keep as mixed brass and will load those for lost brass matches or practice. It's getting to be too much to keep everything sorted and tidy. I think I need to let go of my OCD'ness and stop sorting by headstamp. I do see a difference when loading mixed brass in and increased variation in OAL but I can't say for certain if that translated to any meaningful degradation in accuracy on target (certainly not in competition). My bigger concern is the potential to increase my chances of having a failure to feed/chamber using mixed brass. It will also mean more velocity variation for matches that chrono. I shoot limited major and load for 170 PF. This hasn't let me down to date but using mixed brass may also increase my odds of getting bumped to minor? Any thoughts on brass sorting and competitive loads?
I have been thinking about how to better store brass and make sure it falls into rotation proper. I think I need to start using a bucket system per caliber.
5-gallon bucket for dirty brass (new range pick ups)
A second 5-gallon bucket for my range return brass that will get put into rotation when the #1 dirty bucket gets consumed
5-gallon bucket for tumbled and ready to load brass
I can easily expand this as needed and up the number of return/dirty buckets to keep things organized and in proper rotation.
Any thoughts or better ideas for brass storage and proper rotation? My wife thinks I'm crazy for keeping all this brass but hey at least I don't need to buy brass! I don't have enough (at least in my mind) to start selling it.