In the interest of education, here's a photo sequence presented for this discussion....
This is a Hornady reloading manual #7...
This is a box of Horanday #35580 147gr XTP bullets on top of the correct page in the manual...
This is a newish CZ P10c, disassembled...
This is an over-length bullet/case combination to discover the
Max OAL in a P10c barrel....
And the Max OAL for a 147gr XTP in a CZ barrel is....
The stated OAL in the book is 1.100", while the Very maximum OAL that will not start an Out Of Battery (OOB) condition is 1.111". That's the equivalent of only 3-4 human hair diameters. If your personal OAL has variations of +0.006" then over half that allowance has disappeared before you even start. If you happen to run across and a blem bullet or other hiccup, your 0.011" clearance could totally disappear, even with perfect OAL control and output.
Bottom line: I'm simply not seeing this "conservative, but generally safe" clearance that's been mentioned.
I'm thinking that the OAL mentioned in the manual has been mistakenly identified as a "recommended OAL". I have searched several manuals and the word "recommendation" is not one I'm seeing. Instead, the OAL in the manual is simply part of the
powder testing report. In high pressure cartridges, OAL is just as important as the amount of powder. Both contribute to
chamber pressure, which is the
Number 1 concern of all reloaders. Therefore, it's self evident
ANY complete load test report would need to contain OAL
and amount of powder.
So while I concede that in a lot of cases the reported OAL
will work, one can not be absolutely sure it will work in
every case. Therefore these bullet-to-rifling clearances must be measured in every new situation if any level of safety is expected.
Hope this helps.