Author Topic: cgw pro package questions.  (Read 7809 times)

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Offline mkd

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Re: cgw pro package questions.
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2020, 03:41:44 PM »
q tips, the ones with the white paper sticks , are reall great for polishing the slide and even the slide channel, along with all the small surfaces . you can use the end or the side of the qtip with the cotton end cut off and wipe a bit of polish on it and it gets in places nothing else does. finished up the last of the slide polishing today and everything went well except the over travel screw was a bit too far in.when i picked the gun up and was thumbing the hammer to the drop position the hammer was just catching the sear . the clearance can be seen in front of the hammer pivot pin as it is lowered. all in all the safety version of the decocker models is easier to do the pro pkg on than the decocker models without the safety.

Offline dwhite

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Re: cgw pro package questions.
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2020, 04:03:32 PM »
I finished installing the Pro Kit yesterday. With polishing included, it took me about 2 days to complete it. Trigger weights as follows:

When brand new: 4# 14oz SA, 10# 3oz DA
After installing UltraLite kit: 4# 8oz SA, 8# 7oz DA
After installing full Pro Kit: 3# 3oz SA, 7# 10oz DA

I measured the DA weight from the half-cock position as that would be the normal carry condition. The SA is superb! Very crisp with the tiniest amount of overtravel. I wouldn't want it any lighter. The DA is much smoother than before. All the grittiness is gone but the weight is still a little heavier than I would have preferred. The Reach Reduction was a really nice bonus. The original trigger was reachable; but on the long end for my hand size. Now it's a perfect fit.

As promised, the sear cage assembly was "challenging" but doable. I got to do it twice since I broke the miniscule lifter spring the first time installing the cage into the frame. Good thing someone recommended I buy spares!

I will try to get it to the range later this week although I expect no problems. Once that's done, I'll put the little P01 back to duty as my primary EDC.

At a later date I might try the 11.5# hammer spring to see if that helps the DA weight. I've heard though that it' not recommended for a carry piece due to the possibilities of light primer strikes.

Thanks everyone for the great advice and encouragement.

Offline mkd

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Re: cgw pro package questions.
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2020, 06:48:33 PM »
dwhite. it took me two days as well! i had to readjust the overtravel screw back out a bit. when i would thumb the hammer down to the firing pin i was having the hammer spurs tick the edge of the sear. i moved the bottom screw bacl out a 1/4 turn and it cleared but i gave it an additional 3/4 turn for added reliability. the sp-01 trigger does not break as crisp as my p-01 trigger does. the sp-01 has a bit of creep which puts the overtravel screw closer to the frame. glad it went well for you! the pins i had to remove during disassembly came out with a small hammer and pretty easy. the little keeper for the right side safety gave me issues staying in place putting that side safety into the frame. rest was pretty easy. just time consuming. most of the polishing was with dremel and felt rotating disks, some 2000,3000, and 5000 grit pads on the flat surfaces.anxious to get my scales so i know the end result. my p-01 was a bit heavier than your start readings in both single and double action.

Offline dudester

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Re: cgw pro package questions.
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2021, 07:05:59 PM »
You guys have me wanting to try this. Marking for future reference. Near future most likely 😉

Offline Vinnie45acp

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Re: cgw pro package questions.
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2021, 02:43:29 PM »
I have had three guns done by CGW, all three were pro-packages, great work on all three.  Yes, each gun they get is going to come out a tad different due to the fact they are all hand done and no gun is exactly the same, they all will have slight tolerances differences that will effect their.  All three of mine came out awesome but yes, my 97 is probably the smoothest and shoots the nicest, but even David said it was the nicest 97BD he had ever did, that it just seem to come out more perfect that others he had done, and he couldn't put his finger on why.  It is also a heavier gun so it will shoot with lighter recoil due to that compared to the two 9mm's I had done.

Just remember that when comparing your guns with packages they will all not come out the same, yes they should be close in most regards in regards to platform and ammo being used, but none will be exactly the same, and all will require a break in as well and will smooth out even more after more rounds are run through each.