So I got it fitted to all three of my CZs; a pre-b, a transitional ,and a stainless with just a tiny bit of filing as per the instructions. The host slide stops work except for the stainless, which is too short.I'm going to try it out on the transitional so I put the oem springs back in but I sent away for some various weight Wolff hammer springs to try those.I think I've read that it's not recommended to dry fire with the Kadet and I was wondering if they are prone to breaking the firing pins. Also there was a long thread that took place a few years ago where there was discussion about using an extended firing pin and lighter hammer springs with the Kadet; it didn't come to anything, evidently, but without having to read thru all the pages does anyone know if anyone at the time suggested using a heavier firing pin with lighter springs, something with a greater mass?