I did go to the range today, and I ran 50rds of 124gr S&B first and then 100rds of 115gr Blazer Brass. Everything was going great until round 47 with the Blazer Brass. The S&B ran perfect with great ejection distance, and the Blazer Brass ran fine with shorter ejection distance, except for that one round. After having a failure to extract on round 47 of the Blazer Brass, I decided to run another box which ran just fine. Altogether, there was one failure to extract, same as in the picture. The more I think about it, I can't totally rule out that my left thumb might have been lightly touching the slide.
I have about 4000rds fired through this gun, and I have never removed the extractor. It holds an unfired round very firmly, and vigorous shaking with not dislodge it. Will an extra power extractor spring make this C100 run anything at 100%, or will it cause other problems? Here's a cut and paste from CZ Custom about using an extra power extractor spring: Extra power extractor springs are available for the CZ-75/85 series pistols - all calibers. 25% stronger than factory springs. We have never found it necessary to use these in 9mm pistols and often result in feeding malfunctions.