WINNERS!!!!And of course the one every one wants to know, who wins the mysterious prize from CZ-USA???
WideLoad!!!! RespondedNow what is it? There's the fun part - it's a P-10 pistol. BUT, it's up to CZ-USA to send you either a S, C, OR an F model, and it will be what comes in first to them, so you STILL don't know exactly what you're getting! Ain't that a real tensioner?

Wideload, get me your contact info via PM and the name, addy, phone and physical addy of your chosen FFL! Yay!!!!
Now for the rest of some very cool gifts! Sorry, I am in a hurry to get to sleep so it won't be as elaborate - 12 hour shifts bite.
For the "Know Your Check Pistols" from eastman -
amada8!respondedFor the first of three Team Hornaday tumblers,
JohnA!respondedNext tumbler,
Boris_LA!respondedLast tumbler,
njbrew!For a great one, the $250 gift certificate from the renowned Cajun Gun Works,
Chuck James! respondedFor the $150 gift certificate,
Mr Ogre!respondedFor the $100 gift certificate,
Tyrone!respondedFor the Pachmayr grip sleeve for a CZ-75 from cntrydawwwg,
sevt-chevelle!For the 22 and 38 cal boresnakes,
BarkingAnt!responded, declinedFor the Punisher TekMat,
davids!respondedFor the loader upgrade OR cartridge keychain,
Nicky!For the 22lr loading tubes from mrcabinet,
Atomic Punk!responded, declinedFor the 9mm tumbled brass from tdogg,
nickshawn!responded, declinedFor the first set of incredible steak knives, (honestly jealous here, guys

2bfree! respondedFro the second set,
EarlKeese!respondedFor the $50 Amazon gift card, (who couldn't use THAT right now?),
Rickytick! respondedFor the palmswell black CZ75 grips from Tok36,
Joe L! respondedFor the 100 Speer Gold Dot 9mm 115gr bullets, (just bullets, not loaded ammo),
akspotmom!respondedFor the 100 Berrys 9mm 124gr plated RN bullets, (same as above),
vwpieces!respondedFor the pack of 250 bullets, (caliber to be determined, hopefully by the winner!),
OldRocket!respondedFor the OTHER pak of 250 bullets,
radagast! respondedWere you keeping count? I miscounted - we had 23 gifts, so one more, the WeThePeople holster from moeman, well, THAT goes to - - -
406shark!responded, declinedreminder you must be legally able to take possession of the gifts in your state, city or political subdivision. If you are outside of the US and the gift is legally allowable by ITAR, i.e., NOT guns or bullets, we'll get it to you, somehow, but we will. Winners have two weeks from today, AKA Jan 7th to claim gifts. Gifts unclaimed may be regifted or placed back in the prize vault for another time. If a winner received something they absolutely cannot do anything with, (hold on, bullet winners, you know a reloader in your are, they will take them off your hands!), please PM me and we will either regift or place back in the prize vault, my discretion. No substitutions, unless expressly listed, or cash value instead-of gifts. No partridge, no pear tree. PM me your shipping info to send to the right person so we can get things ROLLING!