I've loved all the single-base powders from VihtaVuouri in the N300 series, especially N320 and N330 for a long time. They simply perform fantastically in every area. So of course when I was at the "
gettin' place" one day I saw a can of N350 and decided to try it. This was, according to my date code on the can, way back in 2012.
So why has it taken so long to do some testing ? That decision was made before looking at the specs. N350 is very slow. In 9x19 Luger it is somewhat useless because Max Loads for N340 and N350 are within 5fps of each other for some bullets. It's generally on par with 3N37, and runs bullets 30 to 60fps faster than N340 in calibers 38 and larger. I'm not sure what I was thinking that day, other than being completely mesmerized by that black can with the purple top.
I only shoot one magnum pistol, a 357, and even then I only shoot maybe 20 shots per year. Mostly I use that gun for testing and target practice with 38Spcl. But, I finally did get around to doing some 357 test loads.
BackgroundCaliber: 357Mag
Bullets: 158gr RMR plated flat point
Brass: Mixed
Powder: Vit N350
Max Velocity: 1333fps per the Vit load manual
Primer: CCI 500
Pistol: Ruger GP100-6"
Distance: 30ft measured and bench supported
Qty: 6-12 rounds each, slow fired
Weather: 70F, clear and sunny, afternoon
Chrono: ProChrono DLX
Load Avg Vel SD8.5gr 1163 32
8.7 1185 18
8.9 1224 7
Rocky Mountain Reloading 158grPlated, conical flat point with rolled cannelure
> Length = 0.626"
> Diameter = 0.358"
NOTES:- Metered nicely like other N300 series, slightly larger grain size
- As clean as other N300 series
- Low flash
- More of a 'push' than an abrupt recoil. 8.5gr felt good.
- Nice, clean, cool burn with no ash or trash
- All my shots strangely pulled to the left, while this gun is dead-on with 38Spcl. Probably need to work on my grip.
- TQ-2 target black measures 2.3 inches
- Reminder to self: try this in 10mm

Accuracy results for 8.5gr

Accuracy results for 8.9gr