Author Topic: P-10C and (L) backstrap fitment...  (Read 721 times)

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Offline Greenbean

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P-10C and (L) backstrap fitment...
« on: April 04, 2021, 11:41:26 AM »
Greetings gang!

New guy here, loved triggers for years and was given a Glock 21.3 many years ago to cut my teeth into pistols and such. Kind of stayed with Glock and eventually went LEO and that Chief was a Glock guy so.... It continued.

I was finally challenged by a professional friend to change brands and try something else for personal carry, So I did. Got a CZ P-10C via another recommendation.

Love it, feels great in the hand and I shoot it well. Could easily shoot a top score on quals. I am really liking the CZ  product line.

Here is my issue, I recently tried the large grip back-strap and I think it feels better BUT the back-strap has some side to side flex. It bugs me as the Med and Sm don’t do that. Yes the pin is installed but you can move it back and forth. You feel it pivot in your palm too.

Anyone else encounter this?
Something I can mend with a heat-gun on the back-strap?

I’m planning on emailing CZ tomorrow but wanted to ask you guys here.

I apologize if this is covered somewhere as I’m on my iPhone and interactions aren’t the easiest.