Author Topic: Cz 97 sloppy barrel bushing fix  (Read 13236 times)

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Online tdogg

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Re: Cz 97 sloppy barrel bushing fix
« Reply #30 on: June 17, 2021, 05:59:09 PM »
When I asked how about providing data info and specifics, you trolls had nothing! 

My wife say's I have selective hearing but I contest I'm just deaf.  I believe you must be afflicted with selective vision.  I posted a up a reply to your call for an example of when thing go bad modifying stock parts in post 12.

This is 'Merica and your free to do and say most anything.  That also means we are as well.  When you come into a dedicated forum and insult it's members it doesn't help your cause or our's for that matter.  We are trying to make sure the information shared here is sound and the environment is friendly.  If that doesn't work for you then your are free to move on. 

P.S.  If you ever sell these bubba smithed firearms of yours, please do the right thing and let the purchaser know that you modified the stock parts and they should contact a competent gunsmith to rectify the situation.

Best of luck,
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Re: Cz 97 sloppy barrel bushing fix
« Reply #31 on: June 17, 2021, 06:36:58 PM »
Fluorescent man at this point we can't take anything you say seriously as you are simply all over the map now and can't even stick to your original posting regarding the CZ 97 barrel bushing and such. You are simply a hacker and as Toby posted above anyone who purchases one of your billy bob pistols is duly entitled to know what they are getting as they are obviously much like a 40's era used car with oatmeal in the rear diff to take up the slack and raw eggs plugging the massive leak in the radiator.
I have to go now I'm taking a long trip this fall and I'm building an intergalactic space craft from empty paper towel tubes and rigatoni. After my trip I'm thinking about manufacturing high lift racing camshafts with a bastard file and bench grinder. If it takes off I may have an opening for some one like you.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2021, 06:45:23 PM by SI VIS PACEM PARRABELLUM »

Offline florida man

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Re: Cz 97 sloppy barrel bushing fix
« Reply #32 on: June 17, 2021, 11:20:26 PM »
Tdogg.........I never asked anyone for an example of when things go wrong.  You are not only deaf, but dumb and cannot read.  You are simply another ignoramus that projects your limited knowledge onto others.  I stand by my statement that you are just a shill for the aftermarket parts vendors.  Why don’t you take your buddy  Parasmelly and retire to mama’s basement and work on your next 4000 posts.  My analysis leads me to the conclusion that you and your buddy have behavioral issues that limit your employment opportunities.  Being an internet troll is all you got!  Stew on that, bub!

Offline Grendel

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Re: Cz 97 sloppy barrel bushing fix
« Reply #33 on: June 18, 2021, 12:44:01 AM »
Florida man: 30 days moderated status. Learn some manners before you come back
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I wasn't born in America, but I got here as fast as I could.

Offline parastoo

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Re: Cz 97 sloppy barrel bushing fix
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2024, 08:20:09 PM »
    I just got a new used 97b off of gun broker and now I'm worried about the bushing. Mine's slightly loose in the slide;I can't tighten it down to the slide face and have the notch line up properly. Would Vibratite or low strength thread locker work to keep it secure and lined up properly? How does the bushing go out of time?

Online Earl Keese

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Re: Cz 97 sloppy barrel bushing fix
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2024, 07:37:53 AM »
    I just got a new used 97b off of gun broker and now I'm worried about the bushing. Mine's slightly loose in the slide;I can't tighten it down to the slide face and have the notch line up properly. Would Vibratite or low strength thread locker work to keep it secure and lined up properly? How does the bushing go out of time?
What you describe is how the oem bushing fits. Generally speaking, you screw the bushing in until it’s flush, then back it off until it lines up. Most examples run fine in this original configuration.