
What are your preferred polymer striker guns guns?

CZ P10 series
14 (29.2%)
S&W M&P series
5 (10.4%)
7 (14.6%)
SIG P320 series
9 (18.8%)
Springfield XD series (XD, XDM, etc)
1 (2.1%)
12 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 37

Voting closed: October 30, 2021, 08:58:31 PM

Author Topic: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?  (Read 28322 times)

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Offline Wayward_Angel

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #75 on: June 29, 2023, 07:04:52 PM »
I'm probably boring but for me its the Glock. I can shoot them well and have no issues with the trigger, and those 5'' Glocks like the G34 or the G41 are absolutely sweet reliable shooters. My first handgun was a Glock 17 Gen3 and kept it for years, should have never sold it.
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Offline bubbas4570

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #76 on: July 04, 2023, 07:31:44 AM »
When I owned any, my favorite striker pistol would have been the Canik TP9-Elite SF.  That pistol had the very best trigger I could  find in a striker, and equal to many pistols' single action pulls when using in defensive shooting senarios (practice, IDPA shoots, things like that).  Ergonomics were great for me, and flawless reliability.

The only problem was that it would NOT shoot cast boolits with any repeatability.  Tumbling, spinning, low accuracy, you name it....that is how cast shot through this pistol.  And jacketed, right back to stunning performance.

After using my rules for keeping a gun, I decided to pass this one along, and return (eventually) to the B6 series.  These shot EVERYTHING I could put through them, and not complain or show much deference to bullet type.

Offline jwc007

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #77 on: July 04, 2023, 08:54:44 AM »
When I owned any, my favorite striker pistol would have been the Canik TP9-Elite SF.  That pistol had the very best trigger I could  find in a striker, and equal to many pistols' single action pulls when using in defensive shooting senarios (practice, IDPA shoots, things like that).  Ergonomics were great for me, and flawless reliability.

The only problem was that it would NOT shoot cast boolits with any repeatability.  Tumbling, spinning, low accuracy, you name it....that is how cast shot through this pistol.  And jacketed, right back to stunning performance.

After using my rules for keeping a gun, I decided to pass this one along, and return (eventually) to the B6 series.  These shot EVERYTHING I could put through them, and not complain or show much deference to bullet type.

Sorry, your Canik TP9SF Elite would not shoot Cast Bullets well. My Canik TP9DA will shoot my Commercially Cast 124 grain Flat Points very nicely, as well as Plated and Jacketed Bullets. YMMV!
Same experience however, with the SAR B6 series shooting everything very well!
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Online Gunnerdad80

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #78 on: July 04, 2023, 05:04:36 PM »
When I owned any, my favorite striker pistol would have been the Canik TP9-Elite SF.  That pistol had the very best trigger I could  find in a striker, and equal to many pistols' single action pulls when using in defensive shooting senarios (practice, IDPA shoots, things like that).  Ergonomics were great for me, and flawless reliability.

The only problem was that it would NOT shoot cast boolits with any repeatability.  Tumbling, spinning, low accuracy, you name it....that is how cast shot through this pistol.  And jacketed, right back to stunning performance.

After using my rules for keeping a gun, I decided to pass this one along, and return (eventually) to the B6 series.  These shot EVERYTHING I could put through them, and not complain or show much deference to bullet type.

Sorry, your Canik TP9SF Elite would not shoot Cast Bullets well. My Canik TP9DA will shoot my Commercially Cast 124 grain Flat Points very nicely, as well as Plated and Jacketed Bullets. YMMV!
Same experience however, with the SAR B6 series shooting everything very well!

I’m no trigger expert, but a friend of mine has a couple of Canik pistols, and to me, they felt like the best factory triggers of any gun I’ve shot.

Offline Tanners Owner

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #79 on: July 04, 2023, 08:40:45 PM »
Has been a while since I started this thread, and my 2 favorite polymer pistols remain the CZ P10 ( I own a c &s) and the P320 series ( own several, last being the 45 acp compact).

The other  available brands are still decent good options, but for me, the CZ and SIG work best.

While I recently obtained the P320c in 45 acp, had CZ brought out a P10c in 45, I probably would have bought that.

I also recently sent my 45 compact into AB prototype for their manual safety conversion.  Am impressed and will likely send another of my 320s in for the same work.  I do like a MS option in a striker gun.
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Offline Joe L

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #80 on: July 05, 2023, 10:30:38 AM »
After a few thousand rounds downrange at 100 and 200 yards with excellent results, my P-10F is still my favorite striker fired gun.  But I only have CZ strikers, so that may explain my preference.   :)

But I'm not looking for something "better".  I don't think it exists for what I like to shoot.

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline Slikshot22

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #81 on: August 01, 2023, 03:36:39 AM »
the Sig P 365 is my favorite this week

Offline CDKJudoka

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #82 on: September 01, 2023, 05:53:49 PM »
I am partial to the P10 series, but I recently starting building unGlocks using St Croix Tactical frames with PSA Dagger and Polymer80 slides. I don't like the way Glocks feel in my hand, but I shoot them well and they are super reliable. I still carry my P10SC or my P10C, but my Dollar Store Gucci Glocks are growing on me.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2023, 10:19:48 PM by Wobbly »

Offline Griz375

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #83 on: September 04, 2023, 01:45:17 PM »
I've only ever owned one Polymer firearm and two other striker-fired pistols.

The Polymer frame one is a G21 which I still have and likely will never willingly part with. The other two are P365s (why we have 2 is a long story) and I'm not adverse to parting with one or both of those. Nothing wrong w/ them, just prefer something P35-ish like an all metal 75C. 4" (102mm) is sort of my min. barrel length to be reasonably accurate.

Truthfully any semi auto SA is welcome at my house. I liked CZs all the way back to the pre-B (had 2-3 of those) and going forward because I could treat them like an SA - carry cocked/locked. When CZ brought out the 75SA I was a happy guy but then it was dropped from the catalogue so, now I'm on the hunt for any SA non-competition  9mm I can find.

Every one is different in skills and opinions/experience so my thoughts may not be valid for all y'all.

Offline Derjg

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #84 on: October 23, 2023, 09:56:47 PM »
 the H-K VP9SK for me

Offline Xmarksthespot

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #85 on: October 24, 2023, 10:33:10 PM »
Not necessarily in this order and I'm bending the requirements a bit.

CZ P-07
SIG P320 X10

Offline em44052

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #86 on: October 26, 2023, 12:16:40 PM »
1. CZ P07
2. S&W M&P Performance Center Shield Plus
3. Glock 43X MOS (W/15 Rd. Shield Mag)
4. Glock 43 cut for RD (W/ 9 Rd. Shield Mag)
5. Ruger LCP2 for pocket carry

Offline Gunsite Grad

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #87 on: December 28, 2023, 08:53:58 PM »
My evolution: kahr > shield > 365x/xl. The sig is almost a perfect carry gun for me.

Offline CCWLearner

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #88 on: December 28, 2023, 09:36:41 PM »
Although polymer, the CZ P-07 and HK P30 are obviously hammer-fired guns with external hammers.  The Ruger LCP2 you could argue is like a striker-fired gun since it has a pre-cocked internal hammer that isn't exposed and has no re-strike capability, but technically it's also hammer-fired.

Offline JPRO11

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Re: What are your preferred polymer striker guns?
« Reply #89 on: January 06, 2024, 12:41:07 AM »
I was never a Walther fan till the PDP came out. For me this gun solved a lot of the issues I had with the PPQ. Slightly heavier frame and much better texture on the grip. Overall the aesthetics are better and the trigger feels better to me too than the PPQ. For the price you can't beat it out of the box. It's neck and neck for me with my P10F. Out of the box it wins on the grip texture but the P10 fits my hand so much better personally so it's still my favorite.