ViperM, correct, the hole doesn’t line up. I told them this in my email, hole seems to be off 1/8 or 1/4 of a hole…. basically they told me I ordered the wrong grips and should have ordered the SP-01 grips. This, even though I told them I had a SP-01 Shadow Target 2 and they provided a link to their Shadow 2 grips. I’ve forwarded a copy of the email where they directed me to the Shadow 2 grips. They now said the SP-01 grips should fit my gun. They’ll exchange them, but want me to return them at my expense $9 , pay another $9 for shipping the replacements and their exchange form states that since I special ordered a thumb cut It’s an additional $20….. So,no, it’s not a huge amount of money ( $40) . just don’t understand why I should be responsible to pay it. I ordered what they suggested. I’ve emailed them twice since and they haven’t responded. The factory aluminum grips fit perfect, no distortion/ buggering of the screw holes in frame or grips, so, honestly don’t think it’s an out of spec frame.