Author Topic: Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?  (Read 1823 times)

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Offline rocket7191

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Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?
« on: November 18, 2021, 09:50:55 AM »
Doesn’t seem likely but I was told in an email from one of the custom grip makers that Shadow 2 grips would fit my Sp-01 Shadow Target 2. Is this correct ? I’m looking for a style grip that wasn’t listed on their website for my gun and apparently they don’t do special/custom orders.

Offline tdogg

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Re: Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2021, 09:55:33 AM »
Shadow 2 grip's fit older gen frames like your target 2.


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Offline rocket7191

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Re: Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2021, 10:31:13 AM »
Thanks !… I just did a search ( should have done first 🙄 )and found out basically the same thing, very slight difference and can interchange.

Offline Shawdowpatriot

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Re: Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2021, 03:02:58 PM »
Yes they fit !!!

Offline rocket7191

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Re: Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2021, 10:20:05 PM »
Ordered the Shadow 2 grips and they kinda fit. But not too well. Just placing them on the gun the seem to fit nice. Flat to the grip frame and even with the back of the grip frame. But when you put the screws in they seem to slide/pull rearward, the grip extends beyond the back of the grip frame a little and the front of the grip isn’t laying flat against the gun . ( space between grip and metal )When you hold the gun in the slightest of a tight grip you can feel the grips springing/squeezing against the frame. The grip manufacturer steered me to the Shadow 2 grips as well. They don’t make the style I wanted in a palm swell for the Sp-01 Target 2 or I would have just ordered the 75/SP-01 grip. Anyone else have a similar problem with fitment ? I sent an email to the manufacturer, hopefully soon will hear what they can suggest. I don’t want to try to modify the grips trying to get them to fit. ( probable mess them up )

Offline SoCal

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Re: Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2021, 01:13:28 AM »
I have exchanged grips for 75B, SP-01 and Shadow 2.  Never had a problem with factory, Armanov or other grips. 
If I had known how much better being retired is than working I would have done it FIRST.

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2021, 06:43:19 AM »
Ordered the Shadow 2 grips and they kinda fit. But not too well. Just placing them on the gun the seem to fit nice. Flat to the grip frame and even with the back of the grip frame. But when you put the screws in they seem to slide/pull rearward, the grip extends beyond the back of the grip frame a little and the front of the grip isn’t laying flat against the gun . ( space between grip and metal )When you hold the gun in the slightest of a tight grip you can feel the grips springing/squeezing against the frame. The grip manufacturer steered me to the Shadow 2 grips as well. They don’t make the style I wanted in a palm swell for the Sp-01 Target 2 or I would have just ordered the 75/SP-01 grip. Anyone else have a similar problem with fitment ? I sent an email to the manufacturer, hopefully soon will hear what they can suggest. I don’t want to try to modify the grips trying to get them to fit. ( probable mess them up )
What manufacturer? S2 grips should fit flush, same as 75/Sp01 but thinner at the top.

Offline rocket7191

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Re: Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2021, 08:44:06 AM »
I didn’t include the manufacturers name because I didn’t want to start a “bashing” thread. After more searches I’ve found another with the same problem. One “fixed” the issue by putting tape and spacers under the grip where it meets metal.  Not the fix I want for a $1500 gun and I’d like something a little thicker than the factory grips it came with ( checkered…. aluminum  ? )

A post I found online….

“On an SP-01 that I have, the front of the left grip panel pulls away fro the frame when installed. Then when gripped, it flexes back to the frame. It’s a little less than a business cards width of movement but it’s annoying and not proper.
it does it both with the LOK grips and the new Henning grips, which makes me think the gun has a weird spot rather than the grips. The stock grips don’t do this but they are mor flexible I think.
The same grips don’t move on a Shadow 2 frame.
Edited December 26, 2020 by Riley”

Hopefully the problem isn’t the gun, but the factory grips fit perfect.

Offline ViperM

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Re: Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2021, 09:48:36 AM »
It should fit flush and not have a gap

It could be that screw hole on your frame is slightly off. 

Take the screw off your grip and place it correctly on the frame, does the screw hole on the frame line up with the one on the frame?

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Offline rocket7191

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Re: Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2021, 01:04:56 PM »
ViperM, correct, the hole doesn’t line up. I told them this in my email, hole seems to be off 1/8 or 1/4 of a hole…. basically they told me I ordered the wrong grips and should have ordered the SP-01 grips. This, even though I told them I had a SP-01 Shadow Target 2 and they provided a link to their Shadow 2 grips. I’ve forwarded a copy of the email where they directed me to the Shadow 2 grips.  They  now said the SP-01 grips should fit my gun. They’ll exchange them, but want me to return them at my expense $9 , pay another $9 for shipping the replacements and their exchange form states that since I special ordered a thumb cut It’s an additional $20….. So,no, it’s not a huge amount of money ( $40) . just don’t understand why I should be responsible to pay it. I ordered what they suggested. I’ve emailed them twice since and they haven’t responded. The factory aluminum grips fit perfect,  no distortion/ buggering of the screw holes in frame or grips, so, honestly don’t think it’s an out of spec frame.

Offline ViperM

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Re: Sp-01 Shadow Target 2 , Shadow 2 grip ?
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2021, 01:58:17 PM »
This is most likely the holding the frame not in the correct place. You might want to get your hands on another set of grips to test. Do you have anyone else near you with a CZ 75 or SP01?  You can also enlarge the hole of the grip to fit it.

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