It's a labeled a CZ75D parts kit (don't have one of those but have several CZ Compacts). list of parts including firing pins/springs, slide stops, recoils springs/guides, hammer springs/pins, trigger springs/pins, sear cages (they call them ejectors) and many more. Well worth the $110 price tag for the parts as most have multiple pieces (like 4 slide stops, three firing pins, two sear cages, etc., etc,. etc.)
I'm sure the firing pins, mag springs, recoil spring, hammer springs, etc. will fit my Compacts.
I just checked the slide stops in my P01 Omega. Sticks out more on the right side but locks the slide back after I hand cycled a magazine of ammo through the pistol.
Check it out. And, if it matters, I never heard of Centerfire Systems (somewhere out in KY) until I ran across the kits the other day and decided to order one).
Looks like the have lots of CZ pistols, rifles, magazines, etc. for sale, too. Can't say if the prices are good or bad on those.