As a fan of the pre-b (I personally wouldn't even consider a newer model), if you want the SA and they are not exactly easy to find, I'd go for that model.
I say that because your two choices, even though both are CZ75s, are different shooting experiences. Also, there is no shortage of pre-b CZ75s to be had at any given moment. Especially with the imports from Israel still trickling in.
And if you really want a pre-b, there are a lot of variations in them to be had, so studying them and choosing what features you want is probably a good idea before you go looking to buy one (unless you want to start a pre-b collection!).
Just in the pre-b alone you have 3 different hammer variations, 3 shapes of trigger guard, ribbed or smooth slide top shape plus differences in sights, safeties and other minor parts throughout the 12 or so years the pre-b was produced. (not counting the short frame ones)
And if you want a non-import, there is at least one available on GB at any given time, so they aren't exactly hard to find if your heart is set on one. And since you mentioned you didn't want one that's import marked, perhaps it would be best to also get one that hasn't been "refurbished or refinished". Because if it's been refinished, the import mark (or lack of one) won't detract from the value. The "refurbishment/refinishing" will have already done that.
Just my 2 cents, YMMV.