Could it be that CZ is as backlogged with armed forces/LE orders as other gunmakers like HK and FN are? HK and FN are primarily defense companies, and CZ is sort of one, though they also focus more on the commercial market. But the Czech Army wants Bren 2s to replace their 805s and especially Vz 58s, they want Bren 2 PPS rifles to replace their SVDs, they want Scorpion Evo 3 SMGs, and CZ P10 pistols, too. All of that to the tune of 40,000 total firearms, nearly half of which are Bren 2 variants.
It does have to be remembered that attempts to retire the Vz 58 date back to just after the Velvet Revolution, especially with the Czech ambitions to join NATO at the time. It took until 2010 to get 805s into the hands ot Czech soldiers, and until 2017 to do the same with the Bren 2, though that supplemented rather than seriously replaced either the 805 or the Vz 58. Now it seems that the Czech Army is pretty gung ho about replacing outdated weaponry. And with CZ being the contractor for most of the replacement firearms, it seems that on top of other issues (supply chain, Covid-19, etc), the defense side of the company has gotten priority over the commercial side for the time being. Some of it of course is financial/economics, too--the Czech Army volume orders will get CZ a lot of money quicker than commercial orders.