Author Topic: So whats up?  (Read 4131 times)

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Offline bang bang

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Re: So whats up?
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2022, 06:14:07 PM »
Ive not been a member here for bery long, a few years maybe, but cruising through the various type forums, i e compact, 75, 97 etc I see a multitude of threads about gun malfunctions, misfit parts, poor quality, triggers confusion, weird noises and on and on. Whats up? Is CZ QC slipping? Are they outsourcing manufacturing?
Especially in the compact section on the first 3 pages there must be 25 threads about peoples guns jamming, stovepipes etc.
When Im on other forums and the topic of CZs comes up I always tell everyone how stellar CZs are, mine at least, and other than some aesthetics  issue or weight or sights comes up as to why some may not like CZ but never have I had someone who is a shooter say that a CZ has function issues. CZ is known worldwide for a few thinhs, gun that fit the human hand like nothing else and 100% reliability.
Are these many issues some cases of people chaning springs, limp wristing, poor shooting form in general or something else because my little P01 and 97b have been put through it and friends Im here to tell you all that there is very very rarely anything wrong with a CZ. We arent talking about a S&W revolver here. Yes, I love S&Ws.
My CZs are all mid to late teens vintage and the quality of mine is stellar.

Just curious.


its been shown...

 > if you get good customer service, you tell 1 person.   if you get bad customer service, you tell 10.

also, you may want to vet those source you are reading.  With what has been going on there are ALOT of noobs buying/handing guns for the 1st time, so would you expect some problems with that?  im sure they are having issues, but you may want to consider, do you "blame the gun" or the other things that goes into making it go bang?

good luck


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Re: So whats up?
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2022, 08:00:07 PM »
 Back in the 80's I moonlighted in a gun shop/ range. A customer who had bought a pistol or rifle would come in that had problems with it. The old man would wait for the customer to leave and he'd give me 2 or 3 hundred rounds to go to range to break it in. Rough job!
 Some now days forget That most need breaking in.

Offline armoredman

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Re: So whats up?
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2022, 01:47:53 AM »
I have several CZ pistols, mostly the P-10 series nowadays, and they flat out work just fine. This includes my first gen FDE and White Nitride. The P-10S had I think two break in jams? I think? Flawless little gun now, trust it with my life. I think the only one not really "broken in" is the M, (which has gone about 70+ rounds with no malfs), and the F/Comp Ready. I don't know how many rounds it has had, maybe 200, but of all of them, it seems to be the only one that is bullet finicky - it doesn't like cast bullets as much as the others do.
I have had VERY few issues with any CZ over the years, with the NOTABLE exception of the CZ 100...nothing mechanically WRONG with the gun other than it's basic, incredibly flawed design. Never let the customer design the gun for you...
Oh, and my BREN 2 MS pistol just keeps eating whatever I feed it without issue. The BREN 2 MS in 7.62x39mm...I traded mine in for the 5.56mm model and have been happy ever since, but I would love to see CZ move manufacturing here in the states and work out the bugs.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2022, 08:46:22 PM by armoredman »

Offline Arko

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Re: So whats up?
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2022, 09:55:55 AM »
98% of the ...Is Something Wrong threads.....are owner induced non issues.

I've never seen so many sitting around thinking up stuff. LOL!!!

This is what I've noticed.

I've purchased 9 CZ's over the past 4 or so years. Only one had an issue and I fixed the part that was out of spec. CZ did send me a replacement part as well.

CZ makes an excellent firearm and I recommend them to everyone!!!  8)


A weird noise? Really?

You put my thoughts perfectly.

Offline 629 3inch

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Re: So whats up?
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2022, 05:27:02 PM »
Hopefully CZ quality has dropped off to much I got into them for their renowned reliability

Offline Lock-n-load

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Re: So whats up?
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2022, 09:00:55 PM »
Yeah, I’d say CZ’s quality control and customer service has definitely suffered over the past couple of year’s Wuhan Panic-Demic — along with everyone else’s — particularly with regard to the Bren 2. Can’t speak to the pistols or other CZ guns since I haven’t shot any new ones during this time period. Seems that covid is the underlying reason — or just the ready-made excuse — for people in general to do a bleepty job, and that malaise ripples through society as long as we have these perpetual panic-demics, political crises and social unrest.

All cz’s I’ve gotten stamped 2020 or 2021 have been flawless and machined nicely… now my 2008 85 combat lnside and slides have the worst machining I’ve ever seen in a pistol.( still shoots great though) seems the newer pistols they take a lot more time to clean up , remove tool marks and fit better.

Offline CCWLearner

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Re: So whats up?
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2022, 01:01:00 AM »
I only own two CZ's, they are both P-07's, purchased new and stamped in 2017 and 2018... had no quality issues coming from the factory, have thousands of failure-free rounds through them, have both been torn apart and re-assembled by me multiple times, and would and regularly do trust my life to both of them to be safe and go bang when expected.

I have seen several issues reported on this forum and/or on Reddit, with P-07 or P-09 pistols, related to their de-cocker assembly in the past year or so.  Also saw one recent issue on this forum with DA that sounds like they didn't properly size the DA roller to make it operate correctly.  So, yes, it wouldn't surprise me to hear that maybe the QA processes were lacking for polymer Omega pistols coming out of the CZ factory as of late.  However, I do think the overall design is solid as it has been for over a decade now, so as long as the stateside support is able to get it working for you by fixing the issue, then you should be good to go.

Offline larryflew

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Re: So whats up?
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2022, 04:09:15 PM »
Just went through my bought and sold list.  Have had 23 over the years and one minor feed issue that polishing the feed ramp cured.  IMO most here are right one regarding people only talking about problems vs  love of CZ.  Kind of feels like a Taurus thing where you hear a LOT of bad stories but you need to remember they make and sell MANY more than other manufacturers.  IE if you sell a million guns and have 100 problems nobody says anything because there are only 100 complaints.  Sell 10 million with the same percentage of failures and you will just see 1000 complaints and think that brand is total crap but it's just as good as the other brand.  CZ is now selling a LOT more than previously so we are bound to see more complaints.
When did it change from "We the people" to "screw the people"?

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Minnesota shooter
and CZ fanatic
NRA life since the 70's
USAF 66-70

Why use 911 when it's faster to use 1911 or 9mm?

Offline polecat

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Re: So whats up?
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2022, 08:55:02 AM »

I love my SAO Shadow 2! They say it’s the indian and not the arrow, but Wow, it does make a difference! My only gripe is they need to update their designs and offer more for CCW market. P10m hopefully will be offered with 10+ rounds and optic cut one day. Also need to refresh the P07 line, maybe slim it a bit offer factory optic cut and give us a sub to replace RAMI.

Offline simplemann

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Re: So whats up?
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2022, 02:09:08 PM »
I have a P-01 Omega and have pulled the trigger thousands of times (dry fire) and put over 1000 rounds through it and Ive had the FPRP and TRS fail, but I don't blame the gun after all everything breaks down eventually especially if you use it.

Offline Claymore504

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Re: So whats up?
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2022, 08:35:16 AM »
I really do not think there is a reduction in quality with CZ. I think we are seeing more forum posts of issues as CZ has become more and more popular over the years. I have only had two handguns go back to CZ for warranty issues. One was a Rami BD for a grip screw insert loose in the frame. So, I could not get the grip panel off. They fixed it and got it back in a couple weeks. The secodn was a P01 Omega UG/SR. That one had a dead front night sight. They had the gun for a month and just could not get a new front sight. They offered me a new P01 UG/SR, or the option of a standard P01. I wanted the same P01, so they shipped it direct to my house.

As the company grows, I think we will see a natural increase in issues popping up. Hopefully the customer care stays like it is. I always had a personal small company feel whenever I spoke with them. If you look at other bigger companies, you can find reported quality issues all the time. Mainly I hear about S&W. I read posts where people will not buy S&W handguns past a certain year due to the thought of quality dropping off. I think we as CZ fans, hold the company to a higher standard than most and expect a constant high level of quality. Its understandable for sure, but things will happen. As along as the company takes care of the customer, I am willing to accept random rare issues.

Just for record I have had to send back guns for waranty to:

S&W (M&P Shield & Model 69)
Sig (P226 and 6 P320 handguns for "upgrade")
Palmetto State Armory (PSAK47 went back two times)
Century Arms Int. (AK for canted front sight post)
FNH ( FNX45 & FNP40 would not fire in DA when frame was hot. I had to pay for FNX45 repair)
Walther (They actually sent me the part that needed replacing. Excellent customer service FYI!)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2022, 08:41:32 AM by Claymore504 »