Author Topic: Need Pre B CZ 85 Magazines  (Read 8306 times)

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Offline royfrombigd

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Need Pre B CZ 85 Magazines
« on: June 25, 2022, 07:45:02 PM »
Hi all, new to the forum.  I’m updating an older CZ 85 and hope to post pics soon.  Mine has a 91 (just learned that was for the year) stamped on the barrel is is made in Czechoslovakia.  I’m learning these guns have a lot of character and some inconsistencies.  I had thought mine was a “transitional” from what I’ve read but one of the first things I did when updating this was to order some new mags.  The mags were way too tight and I started to read that “pre Bs” have a tighter magwell, so I ordered som Mec Gars from Midway that specifically said they were made for a thinner magwell.  One just flat out won’t fit and the other tightly fit, but I bleep near couldn’t get it out.  Before I order a 3rd set, does anyone know a place where I can get mags that will fit this 85?  Not sure if it matters, but I’m pretty sure the ones I have that work are 16 round and the Mec Gars are 15.  Also, apologies if this is posted elsewhere.  I do see the issue addressed in other posts, but no mention where to buy.  Surprisingly, don’t see much on Google either.

Offline Mark-combat

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Re: Need Pre B CZ 85 Magazines
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2022, 02:42:25 AM »
Those are pretty hard to find, if a shadow2 mag does not fit you will indeed have to look for smaler ones and try to see if your local gunstore has some used, I doubt that you can get new ones.

Offline royfrombigd

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Re: Need Pre B CZ 85 Magazines
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2022, 12:24:41 PM »
So, pretty much coming up empty on the web.  I do see that the original manufacturer # for the magazine is 11114 and they are no longer made.  No reputable dealer (beware the scammers like OpticsandAmmo) have this in stock.  I’ve read that 10 round mags work, but I can speak from experience the ones I bought were still too tight.  The alternative appears to be 18 round SP 01 mags.  Hearing these factory mags work in a lot of the Pre B frames.  I ordered 3 from Buds in the hope that 2 of the 3 might work.  I’ll update this post when I have them and can try them out.  Thanks Mark for your reply.

Offline Psyop96

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Need Pre B CZ 85 Magazines
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2022, 01:53:14 PM »
Good luck with the 18 rounders on the 85. Just fyi, I’ve never had an issue with those magazines  on any of the many Pre-B CZ-75 pistols ranging from 1980-1993 that I’ve used.

Offline royfrombigd

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Re: Need Pre B CZ 85 Magazines
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2022, 12:44:41 PM »
Just an update, the 3  SP-01 clips I ordered from Buds arrived and so far so great.  They easily go in and eject better than the 85 factories.  The slide stays open (I heard this was an issue) and the plastic extension on the bottom looks really cool.  I won't be shoot with them in for another week and will only update if there's sn issue.  For reference, I bought the 18 round factory 11152 model number.  Happy 4th all!

Offline Mark-combat

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Re: Need Pre B CZ 85 Magazines
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2022, 11:37:52 PM »
Thats good news for all the pre-b owners that needs smaller mags

Offline rdcinhou

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Re: Need Pre B CZ 85 Magazines
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2022, 07:32:12 AM »
Just an update, the 3  SP-01 clips I ordered from Buds arrived and so far so great.  They easily go in and eject better than the 85 factories.  The slide stays open (I heard this was an issue) and the plastic extension on the bottom looks really cool.  I won't be shoot with them in for another week and will only update if there's sn issue.  For reference, I bought the 18 round factory 11152 model number.  Happy 4th all!

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Offline tomtt

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Re: Need Pre B CZ 85 Magazines
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2023, 12:05:31 PM »
Are the 85 B and pre B mags interchangeable?

Offline bang bang

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Re: Need Pre B CZ 85 Magazines
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2023, 03:50:39 PM »

note, that many boards/forms have a SEARCH feature. 

but this isnt anything new.  Now or 10 years from now.

what i have done is to either take  my gun to a gun show/shows and try various mags.  Sometimes its just luck and sometimes not.

what i happen to notice is that the SP 01 mags would fit more.   I also have more CZs and will buy more mags just because and i have way more to check/try/use than someone else.

at one time CZUSa had pre b mags for sale, but i havent seen them for a while.  Note, there is GOOGLE and its your friend and if you want search for it.  Its your choice.

there are other gun boards too...again with a SEARCH feature.

if you have any gun shops/shows in your area, you may want to take your gun there and ask if you can try various mags.

also, check your grips.  Some grips maybe too thick? and protrude into the mag well.  worse case, remove the grips and then you are sure it just the frame.

and DONT FORCE the matter.  GENTLY move the mag into the gun and if you feel any resistance STOP.  you already experienced what happens and it wont be the last time either.

good luck

Offline porterb123

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Re: Need Pre B CZ 85 Magazines
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2023, 01:05:45 PM »
I have CZ85 Combat, Shadow 2 and a swiss Sphinx. I used MecGar magazines. A few were too tight. Easiest mod to fit and function right, was to put them in a padded vise and sqeze the mag body a littl at a time. They fit perfectly and function as they should.
Worked for me on their 19 rd mags