Author Topic: Shadow 2 in 40S&W  (Read 2159 times)

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Offline Dogman1

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Shadow 2 in 40S&W
« on: July 25, 2022, 12:40:23 PM »
Does anyone here have a shadow 2 in 40cal? How’s the heavy shadow at soaking up the recoil? Do the shadow mags in 9mm work in the 40?

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Shadow 2 in 40S&W
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2022, 05:51:05 PM »
Does anyone here have a shadow 2 in 40cal? How’s the heavy shadow at soaking up the recoil? Do the shadow mags in 9mm work in the 40?
There are no .40 cal Shadow 2's.

Offline Dogman1

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Re: Shadow 2 in 40S&W
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2022, 08:47:51 PM »

Offline Stuart

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Re: Shadow 2 in 40S&W
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2022, 08:52:31 PM »
That’s a TS2
They come in 9mm and 40

Shadow 2 is 9mm only

Will shoot like a TS or TSO in 40. Not much difference

Offline Fuzzy Sights

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Re: Shadow 2 in 40S&W
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2022, 09:25:38 PM »
Looking forward to the day CZ brings one out.  A Shadow 2 in stainless, 40 S&W with a decocker and a fully adjustable rear sight.  I would order two.

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Offline Thechef1

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Re: Shadow 2 in 40S&W
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2022, 12:01:30 PM »
Looking forward to the day CZ brings one out.  A Shadow 2 in stainless, 40 S&W with a decocker and a fully adjustable rear sight.  I would order two.


That’s not going to happen. The S2 was built for production and now plays in carry optics as well. Both those divisions are minor scoring only so there’s no reason for CZ to make it in 40. Some people misuse them as defensive guns but that’s not what they were intended to be used for and the lack of firing pin safety makes them a bad choice. Also a shadow with a decocker is not a shadow. The shadow line of guns are all intended for competition use and have safety’s and no firing pin block and there’s never been a decocker version shadow.

Maaaaaaaayyyyybe one day they would update the SP01 line to be similar size and shape to the S2 but it would be a different line at that time.

But I respect your dream it would be a cool gun minus the decocker.

Offline tdogg

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Re: Shadow 2 in 40S&W
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2022, 01:29:54 PM »
I'm not sure why you don't want a shadow decocker?  There isn't anything particularly wrong on the safety front.  The difference is minor in the design of the frame (not that costly to implement).  The rules in USPSA (and I think IDPA) favor the use of decockers so I'm not sure why CZ doesn't make the shadow 2 a decocker instead of a safety model?

It would make the sport safer in my mind.  Thousands of folks manually lowering the hammer all the way down at the make ready command could be eliminated.  Just thumb the decocker to halfcock and holster?  Seems way safer in my mind?

I'm fixing to move into carry optics with my new Accushadow 2 and would appreciate the decocker myself.  I've been practicing lowering the hammer with the finger roll method but it just feels sketchy.  I'd rather just thumb the decocker and holster.


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Offline Thechef1

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Re: Shadow 2 in 40S&W
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2022, 08:19:03 PM »
So firstly the shadow guns refer to models without a firing pin block all decocker guns have firing pin blocks for safety reasons so if it had a decocker it wouldn’t be a shadow. The reason why the shadows are made is for competition shooting because the lack of firing pin block allows for a much better trigger. On top of that of the sp01 and sp01 tactical that do have the firing pin block the decocker guns have the worse of the two triggers. That’s the main reason why they are not very popular in uspsa. I have an sp01 tactical fully cajunized and the trigger is pretty good but it’s not close to my shadows.

As for lowering that hammer I can’t imagine how many thousands of times I’ve done it and not had and issue and I can’t imagine how many millions of times it’s been done in general with no issue. Keep the muzzle down range and go slow and you’re fine.

It also should be noted that if you have a decocker gun you lose the ability run cocked and locked so it’s just less options.

Just my two cents but it’s definitely a fact that the trigger among CZs is the worst on decocker guns.

Offline tdogg

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Re: Shadow 2 in 40S&W
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2022, 12:13:46 AM »
There's nothing inherently different about the safety vs decocker from a safety standpoint.  Either could have no firing pin block and be safe in competition (assuming the gun isn't dropped with the hammer resting on the firing pin).

I'm fully aware of the different models and their differences.  Just because CZ declared and built the current shadow with a safety doesn't mean they couldn't make a shadow with a decocker. 

Current USPSA rules allow decockers to decock to half cock but safety models have to go to fully hammer down.  This is a slight advantage but an advantage none the less.  That is my primary motivation.  USPSA should change the rule to allow safety models run at half cock as well.  Not having to manually lower the hammer fully every make ready is just a bonus.

As to whether the trigger is worst on a decocker vs a standard, that is boloney.  Sure a Shadow has a slightly better/shorter reset due to the lack of firing pin block but they all can be tuned to run about the same, especially comparing a standard SP01 to a SP01 Tactical or a standard 75B to a 75BD.   I'd be happy to put up my Tactical against any of your tuned Shadows.  People talk about decockers as if they are inferior and not as tunable.  They are completely tunable and infact they have a more stable sear cage (aside from the TS variants) due to the cage being pinned to the frame by the sear pin.  Safety models are not pinned to the frame and thus the cage is free to move around ever so slightly making the trigger feel less crisp.  This is why folks have come up with ways to stabilize the sear cage on safety model guns over the years.  Decocker sear cages are already pinned to the frame and move less from the factory.

The funny thing is the Shadow lineup of pistols are designed and built to be used in competition where the rules state you have to start hammer fully down.  Thus the locked and cocked arguement is null and void.  I guess you could run them in limited if you really wanted to be hamstrung on capacity and PF.  The fact they don't have a firing pin block does make them less safe when used for defensive carry applications.  I could think of better guns to be used for carry anyways due to the heft of an all steel Shadow/Shadow 2.

That is my $0.02.

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