Picked it up today. Needs a good cleaning, but overall I think it is fantastic.
Very little wear is visible and I think it may have been Cajunized. If nothing else, the trigger is lighter and at least as crisp as my SP01 Shadow.

And while I was at my FFL, I saw this behind the counter, so I made it a 2 gun day

Your grips and optic alone on that gun total $350 retail -- so a bargain, even before you start getting into aftermarket internal parts. Honestly, your price paid for the gun itself is probably in the $100-200 range after all the extras.
Cz83 Cz82 is also a beauty and import mark tastefully done -- just wish the gun design itself was less pignosed (maybe more accurately aardvark?) ugly. Granted, I still have an "ugly chick" crush on it, but it's anything but a svelte design... Easy to remember since same model #s, but the lines of the Beretta 83 are so much more tasteful and balanced than the Cz83.
If you don't mind me asking, what was the price on the 83?