As to simplify things, what could be a COMMON PLATFORM for different rifles?(not withstanding carbine or moutain type rifle: as to obtain lower weight), heavy barrel, with sights or sightless and what not.
1- The 3 position safety in my eyes would be an added bonus, one mounted on the schroud since these are now unavailable thru Precise Metal Machining.
2- A trigger-group which could be removable(for god shake keep your present type of set-trigger) as to accomodate certain shooters who prefer conventional ones, simplest task at hand solution is to convert the trigger group as to be fully compatible with Mauser 98(a hell of a lot of flexibility for everybody's taste).
3-Keep it in S.S., once initial tool-up is paid for it will be paid for more than once(the tooling), offer black sights as to elliminate glare due to s.s.. S.S. internal parts do not need to be in S.S. but only the receiver + bolt and barrel. These parts when coming in from a cold himid enviroment sweat-up and rust within a night, do this a few times and you're due for a blue job

, do this a few times and you're due for a new gun

$$$ which will bring a customer to choose a S.S. rifle whomever the mfgr. is
4-A wood stock could be fine for certain shooters BUT give us the flexibility of having a synthetic model(as to lower inventory cost: keep the 550 style stock/without any alterations.
5-Magazine system: make it a simple as possible, I prefer a non-detachable one, as these have a bad tendency to be loss with no spare available parts sooner
or later.
6-Dovetails: a major reason many shooters go for CZ is because of the dovetail is made within the receiver ensuring scope to receiver strenght, with S.S. a machinist could easily convert the receiver dovetail to a topless dovetail, the best contour is the Remington's compatibility as to ensure possible canted bases (idealy Piccatiny)promoting long-range use of rifle which can't be done with a CZ dovetail. Once machine the receiver could easily be sand-blasted without ill-effect(not like blued guns which would need a bluing job.
7-Any add-ons? or other modifications.