Author Topic: CZUSA Model 3!  (Read 113439 times)

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Offline Atlatl

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CZUSA Model 3!
« on: February 13, 2004, 08:13:46 PM »
Nice looking rifle!  So inquiring minds wanna know whose action is used?

The CZUSA Model 3 is a new bolt action rifle that is made in the USA. Available in both left and right hand configurations, the Model 3 features a Mauser style, claw extractor, an adjustable M-70 type trigger, and a three-position safety.

This rifle was designed specifically for the Winchester Short Magnum family of cartridges. The matte finished action and barrel comes fitted to an American Black Walnut, American pattern stock.


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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2004, 11:00:19 PM »
Thanks for slecting my next rifle. Looks like the suggestions to CZUB concerning short-magnum calibers has paid off.

The action is one that cz has had around for quite some time.
I was told the number, but can't recall.

Fred would know what the medium-short action is.

Offline Fred Flinstone

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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2004, 02:41:34 AM »
Yes the number 3, the number 3 iminates from the year of conception 2003, as I was told from CZ-USA. Nice going for the Stainless Steel:D , left-hand version availability:D , wood stock which goes well with plain steel:\ ( Winchester started this S.S./walnut mariage due to excess walnut wood stock which was sleeping in a warehouse for years, a s.s. rifle has the advantage of being an all weather equipment as asked by so many CZ rifle nuts, but walnut is deametricaly the opposite: non stable under harsh weater. What CZ was thinking when they produced this rifle is behond me, if it was to save money as to offer this gun to be competively priced they screwed up royaly, Win. 70 are available at a much better price. Sorry to be pumped up but this one blew my fuse.


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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2004, 08:12:48 AM »
Is this new rifle a CZ or a Winchester with a CZUSA stamp on it?  What does this unit deliver that wasn't already available from Winchester?  If I wanted a gun similar to this, and I don't, I'd call up Winchester's Custom Shop a pay a little extra for some value I've not seen on Big W's mass market products.  Really, a new CZ rifle made in the USA by ... ?

I like the stainless steel, and appreciate the left-handed offerings (all currently offered by Winchester, Remington, Howa...:x ), but lament the lost integrated scope mount rails and European style stock.  Can't afford the ammo for this gun either.

How hard would it be for CZ to make a good 'ole 550 Magnum or Medium Mag in left-handed versions without further refining European sensibility out of the bleeped things (a la Model 3)?  

Sorta pissed,


Offline Fred Flinstone

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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2004, 11:08:25 AM »
Just to put everything in perspective: I did not say it was a Win. or mfgr. by Win.(with a CZ logo on  it) but I was simply pointing an example of a rifle made with Mauser type extractor at an X price tag, 3 position safety. I was seriously thinking that CZ was going to reintroduce the old Brno ZKK-601(short medium action: .243 Win., .308 Win., etc.) into a new S.S. version and synthetic stock, this lenght action would be more than welcomed by the American public in Short Manum chambering or other. F.N. has recently introduced their sniper rifles in the .30 WSM.
Gun industry=monkey see/ monkey do
Hopefuly one of these mysterious rifles will be bought or seen and described to us as to reinforce why CZ went towards this avenue. I may have prejudices but CZ dropped the ball on this one:\ .

Offline Fred Flinstone

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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2004, 05:06:53 PM »
Okay, now that some have exclaimed dissaproval with the CZ-03, what would you like to have:D  or remove:x  from the original 03 design?:hat

Offline karkfump

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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2004, 01:41:07 AM »
I just joined the forum here to see if anyone knew anything about this model 3, like the weight for instance? I can't believe they introduce something like this and can't even tell us what it weighs. I am somewhat dissapointed in this trend toward leaving the things that made me buy a 602 in the first place. I would like a lightweight sheep rifle in one of the short magnums, but so far the Kimber Model 84 Montana looks a lot nicer for my money than this model 3.

Offline Fred Flinstone

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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2004, 02:59:57 AM »
As to simplify things, what could be a COMMON PLATFORM for different rifles?(not withstanding carbine or moutain type rifle: as to obtain lower weight), heavy barrel, with sights or sightless and what not.

1- The 3 position safety in my eyes would be an added bonus, one mounted on the schroud since these are now unavailable thru Precise Metal Machining.
2- A trigger-group which could be removable(for god shake keep your present type of set-trigger) as to accomodate certain shooters who prefer conventional ones, simplest task at hand solution is to convert the trigger group as to be fully compatible with Mauser 98(a hell of a lot of flexibility for everybody's taste).
3-Keep it in S.S., once initial tool-up is paid for it will be paid for more than once(the tooling), offer black sights as to elliminate glare due to s.s.. S.S. internal parts do not need to be in S.S. but only the receiver + bolt and barrel. These parts when coming in from a cold himid enviroment sweat-up and rust within a night, do this a few times and you're due for a blue job:\ , do this a few times and you're due for a new gun:x $$$ which will bring a customer to choose a S.S. rifle whomever the mfgr. is:rolleyes
4-A wood stock could be fine for certain shooters BUT give us the flexibility of having a synthetic model(as to lower inventory cost: keep the 550 style stock/without any alterations.
5-Magazine system: make it a simple as possible, I prefer a non-detachable one, as these have a bad tendency to be loss with no spare available parts sooner
 or later.
6-Dovetails: a major reason many shooters go for CZ is because of the dovetail is made within the receiver ensuring scope to receiver strenght, with S.S. a machinist could easily convert the receiver dovetail to a topless dovetail, the best contour is the Remington's compatibility as to ensure possible canted bases (idealy Piccatiny)promoting long-range use of rifle which can't be done with a CZ dovetail. Once machine the receiver could easily be sand-blasted without ill-effect(not like blued guns which would need a bluing job.
7-Any add-ons? or other modifications.


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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2004, 05:36:24 AM »
The model 3 sounds like an add for a Montana rifle action. My bet is that Montana makes  and barrels the model 3's as a special plant just to makes an action for 3 cartridges is'nt feasable nor is having an existing maker make a diifferent designed type action for CZ. In any event they will be a hell of a rifle although no light weight.

Offline Fred Flinstone

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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2004, 06:12:26 AM »
A design which is easy to produce is needed, Zastava(or any other other name which are from this company's mfgr.) will have its ambargo fall inefective soon, Zastava had a Stainless steel version in the works just before the embargo fell effective. The Zastava rifle was simply a modernised Mauser 98 with speedlock improvement, this country's economy will need to do lower price as to compete against existant rifle companies. CZ should conceive their rifle occordingly(design-wise) as to lower cost, with CZ's new walnut stock supplier + synthetic H-S stocks, Zastava has lots of picking-up to do. Without mentioning Winchester's competitively priced S.S. rifle.

Offline karkfump

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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2004, 02:28:37 AM »
"will be a hell of a rifle although no light weight" Who knows the weight of this rifle? It certainly isn't posted on CZ USA or the foreign site either.


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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2004, 03:28:29 PM »
3-position M70 type safety, BUT with larger wing like Ruger M70 MarkII;

Dovetailed receiver scope blocks WITH built-in adjustable peep sight ala Talley;

Front sight base dovetailed to allow changing inserts;

M70 style "bolt guide" milled under right locking lug;

Remington style trigger;

FN style bolt handle;

Round action bottom metal and front action screw like Remington;

Teflon option for those of us who like SS characteristics, but like dark metal;

Offline Fred Flinstone

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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2004, 12:10:39 PM »
It was pointed out a few months ago in this Forum & recently in another Forum that Montana Rifleman Inc. were supplying CZ-USA with their action, in any case these are worth looking into:

Please leave your impression about this company's action!

Thanks in advance for your replies,

Offline Paulinus

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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2005, 08:23:45 PM »
The current issue of Outdoor Life has a review of newer hunting products, including the CZ Model 3.  It gave the Model 3 rather poor marks.  Quality and attention to detail seem to be the major complaints.  As according to several sources (including CZ-USA personnel) there is serious consideration to discontinuing the model 3.


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CZUSA Model 3!
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2005, 06:14:33 PM »
I read the Outdoor Life review.  If I remember correctly they dinged it for poor accuracy too.  Their opinion was you could do a lot better for the money.