Of I forgot to mention it, going with the captured recoil spring assembly for the later P07s means opening up the guide hole in the front of the frame. Didn't seem hard to do. The slide did seem to be pretty hard and I think I ruined a drill bit as only the outside edges of the bit were removing metal from the slide.
Light blue painted (?) recoil spring.
I can see the gap on either side of the frame between the metal insert and the plastic. The gap runs the length of the metal insert, so it may not really be a bulge, just a fit/clearance thing. Can't even get a sheet of paper in there on either side. Cannot see any sign of it from the outside of the frame.
Slide stop is still a PITB to get out of the frame. With the slide held back on the hammer at half cock I have to make several attempts with my thumb and finger tips to pull the slide stop out while wiggling it up/down. Sometimes it seems to get a bit quicker/easier if I use the hand holding the slide to the rear to slightly release and pull rearward on the slide while trying to get the slide stop out.
Might be why it's still so darn accurate. In case you haven't seen other posts of mine, I buy too darn many different pistols trying to find something that will shoot like my P07/P09. Then I try different ammo and try working up loads for them. When I got to the range and get particularly frustrated at the lousy groups (compared to the P07/P09) I sometimes feel the need to check if it's me having a bad day or the new pistol/loads. I'll pull the P07 out fo the IWB holster and shoot 5 shots at the same distance and that lets me know if the 2 or 3" groups are my fault or not when the P07 shoots one of these.
Thought I had one a bit better than this one, can't seem to find it on imgur though. No, I don't know why I waste money trying to make other guns shoot like that cheap P07 DUTY .40, but I do. And I have about given up. Don't need anymore FN, SIG, M&P or XD pistols. Really.