I installed the CGW Pro Kit on my mid 1990's 75B.
I have not yet set the trigger and sear adjustment.
While conducting the basic function tests I have 2 errors:
1) The hammer will not cycle in double action.
2) The safety will not engage.
A friend that knows I'm having this issue introduces me to a guy (referred to as "The Armorer") at a gun club. He listens to my story and without hesitation he tells me that happens on the older 75's. He advises me to slightly file the part of the disconnector that make contact with the trigger bar (the inside face of the hook) and that should give me my double action. And he says after I adjust the sear I should have full function of the safety.
I figured I'll be calling CGW for some guidance but I thought I'd run these issues here first.
So, what do ya say, anyone here agree with the guy called The Armorer?