« on: March 19, 2023, 06:12:42 PM »
I was having a "gun" conversation with a nephew of mine and he forwarded me a Forgotten Weapons link about the
Laugo Alien in 9 mm. It's another Czech-made gun that is
radically different. In the video, it was mentioned that the inventor of this mechanism had worked with CZUB on the Scorpion EVO and then later left to develop the Alien.
It is rather a radical design:
- a very, very low bore axis (think the Chiappa Rhino low!)
- magazines are designed to accept extensions to 17 rounds
- the barrel is "fixed" in place so no tilting
- the slide is 2-piece (think top insert) so that optics and front sight stay fixed
- there are TWO (2) inserts: iron sights & optics
- the trigger mechanism "looks" like striker-fired, but the first video below describes it as an internal hammer
- it uses "reverse" gas porting inside an "upper" assembly portion of the barrel
- and you won't believe the sear!
The Laugo website doesn't list any US dealers, but there a more than a few of these being offered at present on Gunbroker.com and the asking prices put it up there with the FKBRNO Field Pistol.
Forgotten Weapons link (intro):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbGCL3iRm2YForgotten Weapons link (range):
« Last Edit: March 19, 2023, 06:18:03 PM by rdcinhou »

CZ24/27/38/40P/45/52, Vzor 50/70,75BΩ,75D Compact,P01/07/09,P10M/S/C/F(9mm,.45), Phantom,SP01 Tactical,Shadow 2 (Blue,Urban Gray), 82/83/85 PreB, 97BE,97BD,97BDE,100,1911A1, 2075D RAMI,452 American,550 Urban Counter Sniper,805 Bren S1,Drake G2,Duo,Z,vz24 8mm Mauser,FK 7.5 BRNO Field Pistol, PSD