Author Topic: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?  (Read 8294 times)

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Offline insp808

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can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« on: June 02, 2023, 12:46:56 AM »
Silly question I know and I'm guessing the answer is "no obviously" but I was hoping to get clarification on this.

Is it at all possible to convert a pre-B into a B? So basically... is it possible for a gunsmith to install a firing pin block to "convert" a CZ85?

Offline A.

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2023, 05:41:03 PM »
If you don't like your pre-B - it would be much easier/cheaper to sell it and buy whatever you want.

Offline insp808

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2023, 01:24:22 AM »
If you don't like your pre-B - it would be much easier/cheaper to sell it and buy whatever you want.
To make it drop-safe essentially

Cheaper I suppose but in terms of easier I dunno... do you know of a readily-available 85B for sale anywhere online? I'd like nothing more than a NOS 85B built in 2015 but I don't see anything like that around.

Offline NeedCZ

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2023, 06:28:46 AM »
It isn't just a quick parts replacement, you will have to do multiple, difficult modifications to make it work. 
As a quick starting point; you have to drill two holes in the slide, one for the firing pin retaining pin and one for the firing pin block, you'll also need to modify the frame and replace the firing pin, sear, sear cage.  I'd guess that you'll also need to modify several other parts as well to get them to fit together.  Take a parts diagram from the 75 and 75b and look at the differences.
CZ85's are discontinued so the used market is your only option.  At the moment there seem to be very few available, but they do pop up.

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2023, 05:09:10 PM »
What is it you like about the CZ85 vs. the CZ75?

Both the slides and the frames are different.

Slide has the actual firing pin block/spring which is held in place by the firing pin.  Which is held in place by the firing pin retaining pin.  Your slide would have to be modified to accept all the parts.  I'll bet it would be tough to find a gunsmith/shop that would do that.

Firing pin is different, too.  Your pistol has the firing pin retaining plate at the back of the slide (like a 1911) that won't have a purpose in a B model gun.

I don't know if a B model sear cage will fit in a Pre B gun.  Members here have modified a B model to remove the firing pin block in the slide and the lifting arm in the frame (that moves the block out of the way of the firing pin to fire pistol) but I don't recall, till this thread, anyone wanting to add the firing pin block lifting arm to a sear cage/Pre B frame.

The CZ85 models (Pre B or B) were always rare compared to the CZ75 models.  You can look for a CZ85B and sooner or later you'll find one.

Back to the question of what you like about the CZ85 vs. the CZ75.  Is it the ambidextrous thumb safeties or the ambidextrous slide release levers?  Or both?  That's the difference between the CZ85 and CZ75.

But, if you really can't find a CZ85B you may be able to find a CZ75B in .40 S&W as those came with ambidextrous thumb safeties (still have slide release lever only on the left side).  Or a CZ75 SA in 9MM or .40 as those also have the ambidextrous thumb safeties (again, slide release lever only on the left side.

If the ambidextrous slide release lever is a real "must have" for you then you might be able to find an gunsmith who would drill the frame on the right side of the ambidextrous thumb safety model pistols to allow the installation of the CZ85 slide release levers.  Doesn't really take much of a modification, if you can find the slide release levers, a gunsmith willing to enlarge the right side outer frame hole and if you can find the right CZ75 to do it to.

I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline insp808

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2023, 09:08:50 PM »
It isn't just a quick parts replacement, you will have to do multiple, difficult modifications to make it work. 
As a quick starting point; you have to drill two holes in the slide, one for the firing pin retaining pin and one for the firing pin block, you'll also need to modify the frame and replace the firing pin, sear, sear cage.  I'd guess that you'll also need to modify several other parts as well to get them to fit together.  Take a parts diagram from the 75 and 75b and look at the differences.
CZ85's are discontinued so the used market is your only option.  At the moment there seem to be very few available, but they do pop up.
Thanks for the details! Considering the headache involved I passed on the pre-B. Will be on the lookout for an 85B, just hope it isn't too long until I can find one (and hopefully ridiculously overpriced for a used gun).
What is it you like about the CZ85 vs. the CZ75?

Both the slides and the frames are different.

Slide has the actual firing pin block/spring which is held in place by the firing pin.  Which is held in place by the firing pin retaining pin.  Your slide would have to be modified to accept all the parts.  I'll bet it would be tough to find a gunsmith/shop that would do that.

Firing pin is different, too.  Your pistol has the firing pin retaining plate at the back of the slide (like a 1911) that won't have a purpose in a B model gun.

I don't know if a B model sear cage will fit in a Pre B gun.  Members here have modified a B model to remove the firing pin block in the slide and the lifting arm in the frame (that moves the block out of the way of the firing pin to fire pistol) but I don't recall, till this thread, anyone wanting to add the firing pin block lifting arm to a sear cage/Pre B frame.

The CZ85 models (Pre B or B) were always rare compared to the CZ75 models.  You can look for a CZ85B and sooner or later you'll find one.

Back to the question of what you like about the CZ85 vs. the CZ75.  Is it the ambidextrous thumb safeties or the ambidextrous slide release levers?  Or both?  That's the difference between the CZ85 and CZ75.

But, if you really can't find a CZ85B you may be able to find a CZ75B in .40 S&W as those came with ambidextrous thumb safeties (still have slide release lever only on the left side).  Or a CZ75 SA in 9MM or .40 as those also have the ambidextrous thumb safeties (again, slide release lever only on the left side.

If the ambidextrous slide release lever is a real "must have" for you then you might be able to find an gunsmith who would drill the frame on the right side of the ambidextrous thumb safety model pistols to allow the installation of the CZ85 slide release levers.  Doesn't really take much of a modification, if you can find the slide release levers, a gunsmith willing to enlarge the right side outer frame hole and if you can find the right CZ75 to do it to.
I love everything about the 75B minus the fact it is a right-handed gun. As you can probably guess, I'm left-handed. So naturally I have an interest in the 85B. Yeah I know the SP-01 has ambi safeties, but of course only the 85 has the slide stop in a left-handed configuration. If I can find an 85B in decent shape I'll just shift that mag release to the right-hand side, slap on some new grips, and be all set. Only problem is I don't see any 85Bs around unfortunately.

Offline david s

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2023, 09:28:24 PM »
 I'm a lefty myself. The stainless 75B in 9mm has the firing pin safety as well as the ambidextrous safety. The black model 85 (non-B) also has the ambi slide release and ambi safety. Neither of them allows the magazine release to be reversed. The sole advantage of the 85B over the stainless 75B is the ambi slide release then. I'm an older shooter from back before everything was reversable so I just use my left index finger (trigger finger) on the slide release. I've never even used the models 85's right sided release. It's probably no easier to add an ambidextrous safety to a 75B than it is to add the firing pin block to a non-B model 85. The right sided safety lever is why I have these two.                                                                                                               

Offline A.

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2023, 04:57:16 PM »
If you don't like your pre-B - it would be much easier/cheaper to sell it and buy whatever you want.
To make it drop-safe essentially

I think you are overestimating the value  of firing pin block. For me  absence of firing pin block is much more desirable feature.

Offline insp808

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2023, 12:23:29 AM »
I'm a lefty myself. The stainless 75B in 9mm has the firing pin safety as well as the ambidextrous safety. The black model 85 (non-B) also has the ambi slide release and ambi safety. Neither of them allows the magazine release to be reversed. The sole advantage of the 85B over the stainless 75B is the ambi slide release then. I'm an older shooter from back before everything was reversable so I just use my left index finger (trigger finger) on the slide release. I've never even used the models 85's right sided release. It's probably no easier to add an ambidextrous safety to a 75B than it is to add the firing pin block to a non-B model 85. The right sided safety lever is why I have these two.                                                                                                               
Are you sure about the mag release? I think it was CZ custom that told me they can be reversed, but don't do a hard quote on me for that one since I'm not positive. Yeah I was thinking about doing the same thing (left index finger for the left side release) but using the thumb on the right side would just feel so much more natural (and be quicker no doubt).

Those pics are downright beautiful. I would love to buy something like either of those, but both are looking to be unicorns now sadly.

Offline david s

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2023, 08:04:26 PM »
I'm not the most knowledgeable person with regards to the CZ 75/85 series pistols. That said none of my magazines have the magazine release slot in them on both sides of the magazine. Just the one side. The dual slots should be necessary if the magazine release were reversable. It sounds like the least expensive option other than getting an 85B would be to find a CZ 75B in 40 S&W or one of the stainless 75B's and adding the model 85's twin slide release provided you can locate the 85's parts. Personally, I don't even notice using my trigger finger for the slide release or magazine release. It's automatic with me by this point. I've had Berreta 92's and Glock 48's that allow the magazine release to be switched. I've never done this either just left them be.

Offline A.

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2023, 10:44:02 PM »
I am sorry to be a bearer of bad news, but adding right slide release on Cz-75B is not a simple or inexpensive job either.  You have explained what you are trying to accomplish.  Your best bet is to find 85B. They are in existence, you just need to be patient.  Keep checking Gunbroker. There is one 85B now, although a bit  expensive:  IMHO 85 Combat would be much better,  but you insist on having firing pin block.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2023, 05:36:01 AM by A. »

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2023, 07:14:50 AM »
Right, the 9MM CZ75B doesn't have the ambidextrous safeties nor is the frame made for the little "keeper" that locks that right side safety into the frame.  Couple different styles for that set up.

The .40 S&W CZ75B and both calibers of the CZ75SA have the ambidextrous safeties.

Some of the pistols with the "big" frames with rails also have ambidextrous safeties.

As the pictures in one post shows it looks like the stainless steel CZ75B 9MM pistols have ambidectrous safeties.

Remember the magazine release if that's important enough to make/break a model.  I have no idea which models have reversible magazine releases.

Anyone here into M1 Garands?  There were two or three good books written on those explaining not just the manufacturing process but why some changes were made, when they were made (serial number ranges, etc.)  Wouldn't it be neat to have a book like that on CZ pistols.  At the factory I'm sure they know why some pistols have different frames than others, different slides, etc.  I'd like to read that history.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline insp808

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2023, 02:30:34 AM »
If you don't like your pre-B - it would be much easier/cheaper to sell it and buy whatever you want.
To make it drop-safe essentially

I think you are overestimating the value  of firing pin block. For me  absence of firing pin block is much more desirable feature.
Just curious... why?

You're big into triggers, or a fan of the collectability aspect, or something else?

Offline A.

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2023, 05:42:09 AM »
If you don't like your pre-B - it would be much easier/cheaper to sell it and buy whatever you want.
To make it drop-safe essentially

I think you are overestimating the value  of firing pin block. For me  absence of firing pin block is much more desirable feature.
Just curious... why?

You're big into triggers, or a fan of the collectability aspect, or something else?

Better trigger and short reset.

Offline Mark-combat

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Re: can you put a firing pin block into a pre-B?
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2023, 06:34:59 AM »
indeed thats why I use a cz85combat, no block, better trigger and shorter reset