I reacquainted myself with my long neglected 75B stainless in our local ASI match. This month’s match was “Heavy Metal” themed match, encouraging participants to shoot their full metal handguns.
Was a fun match with simple stages ( I enjoy these most when I have to set up
). The gun worked flawlessly, my reloads were spot on. I shot some stages with a SA start, others with a DA start ( this was my choice) just to see what worked best for me. As I normally shoot decocker hammer guns, I enjoyed and felt I performed better in DA. Am sure that’s just a familiarity issue and if I work at it, the SA start would be fine.
I’ll be shooting the 75b and my other CZ hammer guns more this season and give my P10 series a break
Overall I ended up in the upper half which for me is good. Regardless, it was a fun day shooting competition with my friends, which for me is what it’s all about.
Obligatory picture