I can't find any info on the matter on IPSC website, so I thought I'd ask here. I'm considering buying either a CZ P-10C or P-10F. Either one of those, but optics ready and with a threaded barrel. Kind of a do it all gun, I'm also considering taking part in other shooting competitions which are more "tacticool", so I want a gun that'll fit in both (if I only wanted to run in IPSC, I'd get as Shadow 2 OR - which I'll probably do as well).
Now, from IPSC Production (and Production Optics) handgun list, I can see that both non-OR and OR version of the P-10 are legal. However, what about the OR SR versions (optics ready with a threaded barrel)? There's no mention of them. From what I can gather, the P-10C OR SR would be legal since it has a 122mm barrel (so under 127mm), right? And the P-10F OR SR wouldn't, because it has a 134mm barrel.
Did I get it right? Or am I missing something?