Can anyone confirm the US made P-10S barrels are not cold hammer forged?
I have more rounds through a US made P-10S at long distances than anyone else wants to shoot and the barrel bore is fine, however they are made. I have three P-10 pistols and three P-07/09 pistols and have not noticed any difference in the barrel bore performance regardless of where they were made. Many thousands of rounds, mostly at 100-200 yards over the last 5 years. I'll die before the barrels are done.
The last thought in my mind after shooting a few sub 6" groups at 100 yards with the 3.5" US barrel P-10S is "I wonder if these could have been 5" if I had the Czech hammer forged barrel?" I worry a lot more about whether to clean it or not, "if I clean it, will I ruin it?".
The only reason I've looked at any aftermarket barrels is to get a tighter fit at the chamber end between the front block and the slide. I have seen some variation there but even then I think the variation may be in the locking blocks rather than the barrels. And the variations there are certainly within the limits of good practice for a service pistol on every CZ I have owned. Tighter is better only for shooting at 100-200 yards from a rest. I want it so tight that the gun is too tight for a service pistol as far as cycling reliability in the cold or when dirty.
In other words, I don't worry about the difference between a US and a Czech barrel. My eyesight and mental attitude on any given day is a much greater concern.
Maybe take a look at this video from 3 months ago and tell me if I should give a Czech barrel any consideration over the US factory barrel in this pistol. L