Author Topic: Short rubber grips for SP-01 w/ magwell  (Read 2371 times)

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Short rubber grips for SP-01 w/ magwell
« on: February 04, 2024, 08:20:25 PM »
I recently received a set of short LOK G10 grips to use with my SP-01, to which I've added the factory magwell (see They have a much more aggressive feel than I like compared to the factory rubber grips. 

So...will the factory 75 Compact grips ( fit the SP-01, leaving room for the magwell?  Result options

1. won't fit - impinges on the magwell

2. won't fit - mismatch to frame (physical size, wrong grip hole location, etc.)

3. leaves a substantial gap between the bottom of the grip and the top of the magwell - looks like a mismatch

4. fits perfectly - the gap is like a factory full size competition model (with magwell) that comes with short, but hard material, grips?

BTW, I'm assuming the rubber compact grips have the same palm swell as the full size rubber...right?



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Re: Short rubber grips for SP-01 w/ magwell
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2024, 03:49:13 PM »

I spoke with CZ USA earlier today and it looks like the compact grips may work.  So I placed my order thru CZC (no stock at CZ...surprise, surprise).  If it fits great, great!  If not, my options are to "trim" either the compact ones or the original, full-size ones (thankfully the original's backing is not impacted - the area to be removed does not contact the frame).

The journey continues...


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Re: Short rubber grips for SP-01 w/ magwell
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2024, 04:42:33 PM »
They do fit (sort of) and work as desired. 

The original, pre-magwell, factory rubber grips are narrower (side-to-side, across the face) about 1/16 at the top right (left side grip) and about 1/8 at the lower left (front-facing tail), so not a factory-designed match. 

They extend forward at the front/bottom, towards the muzzle (left side grip), parallel to the frame line at the top w/ 1/8 margin to the edge, and no gap at the bottom/ tail, coming right up to the edge of the frame. The rear edge nicely follows parallel to the frame edge with the same, consistent margin as the original.

And, same palm swells but no recess for the mag release.  But I have a extended release.

Overall, not huge issues since I was looking for, and found, the rubber-grip feel I wanted.

All that said, as I look at the result, my OSD may kick in and I grab my X-Acto knife and VERY carefully cut them to fit... Feeling more like that ever minute I think about it.  At least if that doesn't work, I can always buy another set of the originals and try again...and again...


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Re: Short rubber grips for SP-01 w/ magwell
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2024, 08:56:42 PM »
Well, OCD kicked in about 90 minutes after the last post.  The "mod-the-original" approach was not as simple as I expected...there is a metal backing plate under the rubber!  So, about 45 minutes (I'm slow) working with the teethed, side edge of a 3/16 flat file for the metalwork, and an X-Acto knife for trimming off the rubber parts, I had grips the are not perfect, about a 98-99% job, but the margins around the grip are now as they should be. The 1-2% shortfall is at the mating line between the magwell and the bottom of the grip panels (the rubber "ends" are very slightly recessed compared to the metalworked edge).

Anyone considering getting the compact grip as a quick fix, that works. If you want it to look very, very close to an as-designed factory part, I suggest you save the money on the buying the compacts and find a flat file with teethed edges and a sharp X-Acto-type knife and go for it.  Be patient and do well.

Offline Alcoy

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Re: Short rubber grips for SP-01 w/ magwell
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2024, 06:52:19 AM »
Thanks for sharing.  Please post pictures when able.  Thanks in advance.


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Re: Short rubber grips for SP-01 w/ magwell
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2024, 12:27:51 PM »
Well, OCD kicked in about 90 minutes after the last post.  The "mod-the-original" approach was not as simple as I expected...there is a metal backing plate under the rubber!  So, about 45 minutes (I'm slow) working with the teethed, side edge of a 3/16 flat file for the metalwork, and an X-Acto knife for trimming off the rubber parts, I had grips the are not perfect, about a 98-99% job, but the margins around the grip are now as they should be. The 1-2% shortfall is at the mating line between the magwell and the bottom of the grip panels (the rubber "ends" are very slightly recessed compared to the metalworked edge).

Anyone considering getting the compact grip as a quick fix, that works. If you want it to look very, very close to an as-designed factory part, I suggest you save the money on the buying the compacts and find a flat file with teethed edges and a sharp X-Acto-type knife and go for it.  Be patient and do well.

Update: As I looked harder and harder at the modified original grip panel install, I found OCD raise its ugly head again, noting that the grip panels were NOT sitting flat against the frame and NOT well engaged with the recesses in the frame (not matching up well with the ridges in the insides of the grip panels).  So out came the file, which I rather quickly realized (thankfully) were the wrong cutting pattern.  Changed to double-cut (cross-cut) bastard file (8" long "blade" with a good, solid, rubber-faced handle) and the process was accelerated dramatically!!!  To fit my grips to my magwell (CZ original for a TBD pistol version) I had to remove rubber and metal backing all the way up to the bottom of the CZ logo.  Note 1 - if at all possible, grasp the panel firmly in a bench vise (positioned so the panel is parallel with the ground and you are filing front to rear) using covers over the jaws (a shop cloth or real vise jaw covers).  Then grasp the panel with one hand to stabilize it while filing (it will try to rotate in the vise jaws, longitudinally). Note 2 - I strongly suggest you fit one grip panel at a time and, if you force the magwell on and it doesn't want to back up in the slot, "simply" unscrew the panel before removing the magwell (probably obvious).  And...have your black Sharpie ready in case you manage to ding a visible surface of the magwell - I needed mine.  Be patient, allow a LOT of time ("rushing" dramatically increases the probability of inflicting dings, cutting up your fingers, etc.), and you'll get there.