Hi all,
I bought some Cain Arms baseplates / magazine extensions for my CZ97 and put them on two Mec-Gar CZ97 magazines I have. At first, I couldn't load more than ten rounds, so I disassembled them and reassembled and then was able to load 12 rounds in to one, but not the other. I whacked the second one against my palm a few times, heard the spring inside move, and then was able to load 12 in it as well, so I figured the spring must have been caught on something inside.
I was using this gun for a move and shoot league at my local range, and while doing the drill, I just let the magazines fall, onto the concrete floor, as I wanted to see how they handle hard use. After the second or third time doing this, one of the magazines went back to only being able to load 10 rounds, and I couldn't get it to spring back whacking it on my palm like before. Ultimately I decided not to mess with them, put the original baseplates on, and used standard 10 round mags for the rest of the league. Not bad practice, really, as it meant one more reload, but I would like to be able to have 12 round mags, if possible.
Anyone have any experience with the 97 and mag extensions?
Any advice on something you did to get the mags working with them?
Thank you.