Author Topic: DWX optic plate options  (Read 516 times)

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Offline Auslander

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DWX optic plate options
« on: January 05, 2025, 05:03:36 PM »
I just ordered a DWX Full Sized Optics Ready and am trying to figure out Optic plate options.

Planning on an SRO or CH Precision knockoff. (Still working on finances and I have issues with delayed gratification.)

From what I can tell, the Factory plate has want looks to be a Glock type dovetail, is secured to the slide with 3 screws. The CZ web store has a .335” rear and front sight of .250” on a chart for cowitness. Can anyone verify that it is a Glock dovetail and what is the front dovetail cut for?  (Or what height front sight comes on it?) Novak dovetail or some other dimension?  Anyone running this plate and/or have knowledge of what I would need to buy to have a lower 1/3 (or barely see)?

Is anyone using the Impact Machine plates?  They are only retained by two screws but look like they would keep the SRO from overhanging the ejection port. They have two model. One without BUIS and one with. Anyone know what height front sight would be compatible or a turnkey product?

One of the reasons I didn’t buy a Stacatto, Kimber or other comparably priced pistol is apparently because I didn’t want it to be easy. That and $60-$120 magazines.

Any help would be appreciated.

"A person must have a certain amount of intelligent ignorance to get anywhere."

Charles Kettering

Offline pcar157

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Re: DWX optic plate options
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2025, 09:24:49 AM »
Yes I have the DWX OR and have mounted a Impact Machine plate cut for a DPP as I am using a Vortex ST optic. It's the plate that doesn't have an extension for BUIS. This is a range gun so no need for irons.
Prior to mounting the plate, I ordered 6-40 x 3/8" long flat head screws from McMaster-Carr.
Once I received them I took a measurement of the depth of cut in the slide where the screws are inserted. I then filed the screws to fit (made sure they didn't "bottom out") cleaned the slide threads and screw threads w/acetone, added a bit of Loc-Tite #242 to the screws and installed the plate with 20 in/lbs torque. I then cleaned/LocTited the optic screws and plate threads, mounted the optic and torqued those screws to 20 in/lbs as well.
Now have about 1100 rounds thru the gun and no issues.
My view is the plate screws that are provided are much too short. If I was going to shoot w/irons I would replace cover plate screws as well.
Just sayin', YMMV