Just looking around the interweb today and seeing the prices of CZ pistols, did things go up recently or did this happen a while ago and I am late to the party? I see a lot of the classic models on the CZ USA web site are shown twice and $150 more in MSRP. 
Yeah, this sounds like typical stellar Colt Management business “strategery”: so we’re heading into a Trump Slump for gun sales as the atf and the dems are getting collectively slapped down repeatedly by all 3 branches of government. So what does Colt Management do? They RAISE the MSRP on CZ firearms across the board by a couple hundred bucks per model…BRILLIANT!!! Yeah, that’ll really boost sales during a slump in the market!!
Here’s another example: they’ve raised the MSRP on the P-01 with two 15 round mags to $800, while the P-01 with two 10-round mags remains at @ $650 — basically they’re charging an extra $75 for each 15-rd mag. Then consider that you can get MecGar 15 to 17-rd mags for @ $25 each, well, duh, you buy the 10-rd P-01 and spend the extra $150 on 6 MecGar 15 to 17 round mags and keep the two OEM 10-rd mags for range work…BRILLIANT, Colt Management!!!
I guess Colt Management thinks their CZ customers are as stupid — I mean BRILLIANT — as they are, themselves…2+2=5, etc.