Author Topic: IDPA and Mag brakes  (Read 3770 times)

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Offline MessedUpMike

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IDPA and Mag brakes
« on: July 29, 2002, 11:58:00 PM »
If I pull the mag out of My '75B is it still IDPA legal? I plan on using it in SSP if that affects it any.



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IDPA and Mag brakes
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2002, 02:41:43 AM »
I've read the darned Little Green Book several times and haven't seen a thing addressing mag brakes one way or another.   So I assume its okay to make that modification.

(I do know that at least one guy who left a message here on the forum who received a factory stock gun, an 85 Combat, that did NOT have a mag brake installed.  When he talked with Mike, the gunsmith at CZ, he was told that some where shipped that way, and that it was no big deal.)

I have a pre-B 75 that I'm shooting a little now -- it still needs some work.  I removed the mag brake from it, and it works fine -- but I think it could be a problem in a match -- as unless you insert the mag just right, you may find that it could cost you more time than you save.

That said, you can tweak the exiting mag brake by shortening the top coil (pull the pin, use needlenose pliers, tighten the loop or bend it the other way).  The metal is brittle and might break, but several have done this with good success.  You can also order the mag brake for the 85-Combat from CZ and install that.  The cost of shipping will be more than the part.


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IDPA and Mag brakes
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2002, 06:24:17 AM »
I did the needlenose job and was lucky--it didn't break--but the flat magbreak spring does appear to be very brittle. Didn't want to order and then install a new flat magbreak spring without trying the needlenose idea first!


Why SSP??? I have shot ESP with my CZ in cocked/locked and prefer the first shot single action. In addition, ESP avoids most of the plastic guns (except Springfiels X9 which is ESP because of the grip safety).


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IDPA and Mag brakes
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2002, 10:23:17 AM »
Tony - The Springfield XD is ESP because of the way the trigger works, not because of the grip safety.  The differences are internal.  In actual use, it feels pretty much like a Glock.  IMO, they *both* should be in ESP.

The cool thing about the CZ -75 is that one can shoot it in either SSP or ESP.  I shot mine in ESP last year, and I'm going to use it in SSP this year.  I'm mainly a revolver shooter, so the DA first shot doesn't bother me much.




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IDPA and Mag brakes
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2002, 03:11:19 PM »
Chuck Edwards--

You may be correct, but I was told it was because of the addition of the grip safety. Haven't shot an XD yet: does the trigger go "sproing" like a Glock???

 Anyway, here's what I shoot in IDPA:

S&W 686    SSR
G34           SSP
CZ75B        ESP

We have so many Glock shooters locally that I'm lost in a sea of plastic in SSP; therefore, prefer to shoot in ESP. Have purchased a Springfield 1911A1 in 9mm for ESP as well. It is currently at Springfield for reliability work so I may have to wait until 3/03 to start using it. Our outside monthly IDPA matches end in October, darn it.


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IDPA and Mag brakes
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2002, 05:04:01 AM »
Tony - It doesn't quite go "Sproing!" like a Glock, but it has a *very* similar-feeling trigger.

I just ordered one for my son yesterday - his 21st birthday is coming up, and he let me know he wanted a pistol as a present.  He didn't want a CZ - too old fashioned for him, and it wasn't plastic - and didn't want a Glock, because "everyone has a Glock."  So he's getting the XD in 9x19 with tritium sights (my FLD got a good deal on it), and his Dad can square him away on ammo since I load 9x19.  If you want to get a plastic pistol, this one's an attactive alternative to a Glock.  I don't like the CZ100 because of the ports.

I'll probably be shooting my M13 and M57 in SSR this year, with the 75B in SSP.

