Did you notice Glock stated A" gun..not 40 CZ's
It was a dark and stormy night....er...hmmmmm.
Since I normally carry a 44 mag...(knock this battery off of my shoulder!

) But dont seem to have it in my extensive collection of CZ's..I pull out my Full Auto CZ pistol with a 50 rnd clip of 9mm +P+ 124gr Hydrashocks..and a full back up mag. My glistening, flowing hair blows in the ocean breezes as I Burst thru the door. There are 4 BG's ..the closest one, named Phil, an accountant by trade, leaps towards me sword in hand....he thrusts his sword at me. Just as I smile at him..the glare from my perfectly fake and white teeth "TING" blinds him as I sidestep his sword play.....BBBBBBBBBBBBRRRP.
I strafe him from pelvis to forehead...in one sweeping motion.
The blood and tissue cover BG #2, whos name is Sebastian and is a hair dresser by trade..he is also a neat freak. BG#2 has a Tizzy fit because his new outfit just got covered by Phils brains...making him even more aggresive...but in that aggression he starts to lose his poise and his concentration.
AH HAH! I have the upper hand again...using my Psychic powers..I turn Sebastians mind into thinking Im his "boy toy" Heraldo, the spanish love slave. He instantly drops his sword and asks "Where have you been...Ive been worried sick"...BBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRP. I sweep him with another massive 9mm ventilating process. Have a nice day
BG's 3 and 4 are now on the offensive, coming towards me....
I use my mind powers to make them think they are in a 50's country and western dance contest. The embrace and start to 2 step...(they are actually quite good...but BG #4 could use a little help on his footwork

) I lose control of their minds as I start to analyze their dancing technique...they come back to the present and come at me again...DRATS!
My 1 CZ is changed into a CZ52 with exploding Tok rounds...AH HAH.....I smile again...blinding both for just a second...my mind powers line them up and I take my one shot..the Tok round pierces BG #4, whos name is Steve and is a professional spokes model for "Tide-the laundry detergent of the future", by trade, thru the heart...blood, tissue and most importantly the bullet hit BG #3 ...Who is now....What? Kevlar"....Hey, you cant do that......Wait...eerrr, OK
Getting a grip and becoming my zealous, overconfident and brutally handsome self once again. I realize Im out of ammo..both mags and my magic Tok round are gone....The fight rages on. BG #3, whos name is Kev, an ex cop from Idaho, is an excellent swords man...but is no match for my blinding smile and worlds best hand to hand combat technique.....AH Hah! I jump to the offensive again.....Kev gets the upper hand and one of my arms is cut off at the shoulder....ok? We'll have to deal with that...."Come on is that all youve got?" Kev strikes again..taking my other arm off......hmmmm? This is probably not good. Oh Well, I can deal with it.......Is that all youve got? Kev gets lucky, but a 3rd time..taking my right leg off just above the knee....now this is starting to suck....hmmmm? Hopping on my one good and attached foot and bleeding profusely..."Is that all youve got?" Kev is standing there looking at me very confused......Its the Hopping...Im secretly hypnotizing him with my super mind powers and the rythum of my hopping..."AH Hah"....He looks at me and says....Sorry my mom was a phychic and it wont work on me"...What? Oh NO! This may be the last battle I wage....thinking to myself.
Kev slowly strolls by me, still hopping and brutally handsome, and takes a final swing....there goes my last leg.....Im thinking....I dont have a leg to stand on anymore!
Come over here you coward, Ill bite you to death........COWARD!" Kev is laughing so hard that he trips on Sebastians purse (which matched his ensomble quite well I may add) and falls on his sword......slashing with a fatal blow.
"AH HAH"...I have triumphed again..
But Im kinda stuck here and can..SOMEBODY HELP ME!
Shoot well