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Offline ut83

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« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2002, 11:27:23 AM »
Did you notice Glock stated A" gun..not 40 CZ's :rolleyes

It was a dark and stormy

Since I normally carry a 44 mag...(knock this battery off of my shoulder! :D  ) But dont seem to have it in my extensive collection of CZ's..I pull out my Full Auto CZ pistol with a 50 rnd clip of 9mm +P+ 124gr Hydrashocks..and a full back up mag.  My glistening, flowing hair blows in the ocean breezes as I Burst thru the door.  There are 4 BG's ..the closest one, named Phil, an accountant by trade, leaps towards me sword in hand....he thrusts his sword at me.  Just as I smile at him..the glare from my perfectly fake and white teeth "TING" blinds him as I sidestep his sword play.....BBBBBBBBBBBBRRRP.
I strafe him from pelvis to one sweeping motion.
The blood and tissue cover BG #2, whos name is Sebastian and is a hair dresser by trade..he is also a neat freak.  BG#2 has a Tizzy fit because his new outfit just got covered by Phils brains...making him even more aggresive...but in that aggression he starts to lose his poise and his concentration.
AH HAH!  I have the upper hand again...using my Psychic powers..I turn Sebastians mind into thinking Im his "boy toy" Heraldo, the spanish love slave.  He instantly drops his sword and asks "Where have you been...Ive been worried sick"...BBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRP.  I sweep him with another massive 9mm ventilating process.  Have a nice day :D
BG's 3 and 4 are now on the offensive, coming towards me....
I use my mind powers to make them think they are in a 50's country and western dance contest.  The embrace and start to 2 step...(they are actually quite good...but BG #4 could use a little help on his footwork :D  )  I lose control of their minds as I start to analyze their dancing technique...they come back to the present and come at me again...DRATS!
My 1 CZ is changed into a CZ52 with exploding Tok rounds...AH HAH.....I smile again...blinding both for just a mind powers line them up and I take my one shot..the Tok round pierces BG #4, whos name is Steve and is a professional spokes model for "Tide-the laundry detergent of the future", by trade,  thru the heart...blood, tissue and most importantly the bullet hit BG #3 ...Who is now....What?  Kevlar"....Hey, you cant do that......Wait...eerrr, OK
Getting a grip and becoming my zealous, overconfident and brutally handsome self once again.  I realize Im out of ammo..both mags and my magic Tok round are gone....The fight rages on.  BG #3, whos name is Kev, an ex cop from Idaho, is an excellent swords man...but is no match for my blinding smile and worlds best hand to hand combat technique.....AH Hah!  I jump to the offensive again.....Kev gets the upper hand and one of my arms is cut off at the shoulder....ok?  We'll have to deal with that...."Come on is that all youve got?"  Kev strikes again..taking my other arm off......hmmmm?  This is probably not good. Oh Well, I can deal with it.......Is that all youve got?  Kev gets lucky, but a 3rd time..taking my right leg off just above the this is starting to suck....hmmmm?  Hopping on my one good and attached foot  and bleeding profusely..."Is that all youve got?"  Kev is standing there looking at me very confused......Its the Hopping...Im secretly hypnotizing him with my super mind powers and the rythum of my hopping..."AH Hah"....He looks at me and says....Sorry my mom was a phychic and it wont work on me"...What? Oh NO!  This may be the last battle I wage....thinking to myself.
Kev slowly strolls by me, still hopping and brutally handsome, and takes a final swing....there goes my last leg.....Im thinking....I dont have a leg to stand on anymore! :D
Come over here you coward, Ill bite you to death........COWARD!"  Kev is laughing so hard that he trips on Sebastians purse (which matched his ensomble quite well I may add) and falls on his sword......slashing with a fatal blow.
"AH HAH"...I have triumphed again..
But Im kinda stuck here and can..SOMEBODY HELP ME!

Shoot well


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« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2002, 12:02:21 PM »
If John Cleese were dead, he'd be turning over in his graves.

Are coconuts migratory?

Offline Radom

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« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2002, 12:24:30 PM »
..but, isn't it possible that TWO African swallows might carry...
The artist formerly known as FEG...

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« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2002, 06:22:28 PM »
Not a BTDT type, but I'll give it a go.

CZ does not list a 50AE or BMG.
So the 97B will have to do.
Federal HydraShocks, and plenty of spare mags.

45acp should have a better punch to keep knife wielding assailants at bay.

If I were to enter a small room with four knife wielding assailants, my best choice would be to back out of the room the way I came in.

An 18 foot room is too small.  No room to evade.

I would position myself so that the attackers would have to come though the door to get to me.
Hopefully I could engage them one at a time that way.

Two to the pump and one to the gourd.
Reload as required.



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« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2002, 09:44:27 PM »
Well, maybe I'm being a little too literal here, but at some point, wouldn't I have had to go to the house to realize that these four were in it?  And, at that point, wouldn't I be limited to the gun I was carrying?  Maybe I could pick them off coming through the door as I try to get back to the car for whatever I might have handy there, preferably a shotgun or full auto assault rifle, but unless they were asleep when I got to the house, I honestly don't believe I have time to go select from the car arsenal.  I'd have to go with what I was packing, which at this time is, unfortunately, not exactly a CZ.

Offline Radom

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« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2002, 10:51:20 PM »
This scenario reminded me of something, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it...

There is an obscure (here in the US) Jackie Chan/Sammo Hung movie called "Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Stars," which has a similar fight scene.  (Pacific Islanders with swords at least...)  This one is a comedy (Jackie Chan is barely in it at all) with the a cast of actors known primarily for Three Stooges-type antics (the guys from "5 Lucky Stars" and "My Lucky Stars").  It has a terrific fight scene between Jackie and Richard Norton ("Mr. Nice Guy").  

I'm sure everyone was holding their breaths for that...
The artist formerly known as FEG...

Offline jrf

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« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2002, 06:52:58 AM »
I see this is more for fun than reality, so I'm up for a bit of fun after the last few weeks i've been having.

The 97b will join me along with an extra mag on the hip. You've already told me I use no clearing techniques, so I'm in the middle of a 18x18 room with 4 guys with swords.  With 5 people now in this room, they will be lucky if they can swing without hitting each other. The 97b is loaded with 11 Winchester Ranger T 230grn +p. Because of the extreme close range, I'd shoot 1 shot each to COM while retreating towards the door. I would not reasses, and follow up with 1 to the head.

I'd probably be out the door by this point, and hoping that all four couldn't fit through the door at once. With 4 guys that close, 2 shots on each would put me at risk of #4 having enough time to be on me.

The Winchester's give me the penetration and expansion that "I" like and am comfortable with. However I would not feel undergunned if I had chosen my 75b compact with 14 rounds of Win Ranger T 127g +p. However the 97b would be my first choice for that scenario.

(and if for some reason I went through all 21 rounds and was still in a fight, the 97b would probably stop a sword swing ;-)


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« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2002, 11:49:17 AM »
Noon, Sunday, guys.  Get your answers in soon...

So far, we've got a couple that I really like...


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« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2002, 09:23:15 AM »
35 more minutes and its done.  Still time for a submission...

Offline ut83

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« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2002, 10:27:26 AM »
11.27 mtn time :D  :rolleyes :

Serious answer.  If I knew of the 4 sword wielding BG's in the space allotted...I would not enter for long.  I would have my PCR with a couple of 75B High Caps.  Are there windows?  Can they see thru them or are they covered?  Well go with covered....
First...ballistic vest other armor.  Enter the space and check out the location of BG's, weapons and nature of the situation.  How aggresive?  What weapons?  What strong hand side are they?  Any weapons you noticed that werent in hand...throwing knives on a belt, etc?
Exit the domain quickly with out any gun play.  Regroup..quickly analyzing all of the above information.  Go to the front door and utilize geometery to get shots off at closest target without entering domain.  Double tap to the Chest..if needed double to the head.  Always keeping the door in sight...back away slightly and check for anyone leaving the domain.  Closed in area's arent my favorite with multiple perps....with long sharp weapons.  They have a  tendency to close in on you and once youre out of room...see ya.  Get closer to the door..and check as you can..locations?
Is perp #1 you took out still there and dead?  Try and draw them out the best you can....If nothing happens...get closer to the doorway again.  Id shoot through the wall on both sides of the doorway...sword dudes have to be close and will likely be waiting for you to try entry again.  Id bet youd get at least one more.  Once the doorway has been "cleared" you have a brief moment to enter quickly and analyze again.  You can jump in and take out the closest BG to you and start with the rest..double taps to Chest...fastest and best chance of hitting with fatality in mind.  If necessary exit the room again...repeat until all perps are dead.....and you can get your "Stolen Mood Ring" back...the dirty rotten bastards. :D  
Shoot well


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« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2002, 10:49:41 AM »
Well, hell!  Had I known it was a mood ring, I might've done something dangerous.

I thought it was a pet rock we were trying to retrieve, and I've got a bunch of those.  (In my yard, where I'm trying to grow grass.  They appear to be grazing.)

Offline Radom

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« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2002, 12:46:22 PM »
...they say grazing in the grass is a gas.  Can you dig it?
The artist formerly known as FEG...


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« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2002, 06:48:43 PM »
Back from the range and have gathered all entries.  FAL Gal and I will go over them all and post the winner.  May take a day or so, so hang in there... :)

Offline ut83

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« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2002, 08:01:56 PM » know.  Had it been a pet rock, I may have gone out on a limb myself.  The Mood ring was a favorite, thus the carnage had to happen.  You know it may be a collectors item someday.  :D
Shoot well


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« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2002, 03:20:10 PM »
Ok, here goes, but first, let me say:  None of you guys plays by the rules!  "A" CZ, means "one" CZ.  Loaded with your favorite factory load means "NO" extra mags.  Sheesh..  :)

Anyway, Trying to pick a winner who held a little closer to the rules, ( he only had three guns :)  ) FAL Gal and I decided that the honors should go to...............

CZNE!  Congradulations, dude!  PM me your shippoing address and preference in size (small or medium fannypack) and we'll ship it out, forthwith.