Author Topic: Express Sights (AO) in Low Light  (Read 1990 times)

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Express Sights (AO) in Low Light
« on: February 26, 2003, 09:15:40 AM »

In case anyone's interested, I just wanted to point out that the Express big dot perform brilliantly in a low light situation. Actually, it's more like no-light.

Shot the VA Regional Indoors (IDPA) this past weekend where shooters start with their lights and their guns at low read. All the lights are switched off, so when the buzzer goes, your light comes on and off you go.

The Big Dot was unmistakeable. It sorta lead the way. With your Surefire trained on the target, the Big Dot shows up very nicely against it.

I made the mistake of rushing the first stage (duh!) but settled down and rarely had much points down on the rest. You just couldn't miss the A-zone.

That said, man, I wish Heinie had Slant Pros for the CZs so I can save face when shooting at 20 to 25 yards stages. I suck at those distances.

Helmie Ashiblie
i-SHOT Shooting Sports Accessories