Another RA# owner signing in. Same story of lore - supposedly came in from South Africa as some kind of police or military pistol.

This gun came into the US in such a sad state: When I first saw it, it was in a store and was such miserable junker I didn't give it a second look. No finish, lots of pitting, bent parts, just worthless crap. Should have been melted down and thrown away. 6 months later a buddy called, said they had fixed them up so he bought one. Whatever!
So I meet up with my friend - and he pulls out this brand spanking new looking short rail CZ-75. No pits, smooth straight surfaces, solid gun fit, gleaming finish, crisp sharp looking lettering. It was the same gun! Impressive. Told my friend, if he ever needed a few bucks I'll pay him whatever he paid for it. He paid I think $400.
Some time later - friend got bored with it, knew I loved it, and as a favor, sold it to me.
Since then, I've replaced the grips. it had the original spec looking ones, which were so scratched to Hell they couldn't be saved. So I threw them in a drawer and put on some CZ rubber grips (can't recommend those high enough - they really really help the otherwise slippery CZ grip hold)
I also replaced the hammer, the spur just bit me too much. I put nail polish on the sights - bright pink dot on the front, and two silver dots on the back - highly recommend that color spectrum.
The only part that bugs me is it has a replacement angular looking slide stop. Works, just don't like the look. The single action trigger has some creep. Not bad, but I'd like it to be a little crisper. I'm thinking of ordering a new sear, and seeing what a little careful emory filling can do. The double action pull is a dream.
I use the heck out of it - and it's been abused well before me. Holding up very well - original slide, frame, and barrel still. The FOBUS holster I use in IDPA matches is starting to rub off some of the blue in a spot, which is annoying. I may take it back to those magicians in South East Texas if it gets bad, for a touchup.