All items to be viewed as part of a post must be hosted on the web somewhere. They are then added to the post as hyperlinks of one kind or another.
In the standard message post page:

there is a row of text-related icons, and a second row of graphics-related icons. If you position your mouse over them, you will get a "hint" as to what they do.
Video/FlashThe leftmost icon is for inserting Flash or similar video clips. As YouTube is the most common site for this, if you take the YouTube "Embed" code for a clip, which looks like:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
and Copy and Paste only one of the "http://..." parts, in this case:
and paste it into your post.
Then highlight it with your mouse and click the "Insert Flash" icon, and you will see the bbcode tags:
surrounding the web address. All you need do now is adjust the size values, currently 200,200, to match the size stated in the Embed code, again, here, 425,344.
The final post result looks like:
To insert a picture, you need the web address, say, and paste that into your post, then highlight it, and click the "Insert Image" icon, the second one from the left, that looks like a little frame painting.
The other object link icons work much the same for websites, and ftp links. One difference for websites is if you want the website link to have different text, other than just the web address. Like:
Go to
CZ ForumTo do this, you modify the url bbcode. Normally, this would look like:
But to create the text for the link, you move the link inside the first open bracket, preceded by an "=" sign. Then, between the url bbcode, insert the actual text:
[url=]CZ Forum[/url]