I didn't go away, I is still here! :-D
Been carrying around my 75 compact, I'm certainly going to be fine with it in the winter, which is nice. I'm at the range at least once a week every week, there's this nice retired guy there who collects brass (with permission) to refill. We take up a bunch of different firearms, you know; the arsenal haha.
I'm currently looking for a new buck season gun, there's a savage 270 Ace Sporting Goods here in PA sells that I'd love to get in 243. We have a competition target 243 that we would basically trade for it.
Also looking at that Ruger LCP. Gun shop says the backorder is finally catching up, they expect to be fully caught up early September. Might have to get my hands on that for summer/dress carry.
Otherwise, just spending time planning that wedding coming up. Looks like it's going to be in April, nice and small, with a trip to Hawaii :-) I can't wait.
Hope all is well!