Hello, everyone. I just purchased my first C&R gun, and my first CZ: A 1953 CZ-52. Very cool.

I bought a tin of Romanian 7.62x25, and headed to the range yesterday for the first time. A few observations and questions:
1) I fired one box (72 rounds) without any failures to feed or eject. Thumbs up for that!
2) The pistol has an original firing pin, so I'm planning to buy a new, hardened pin. Any comments on the differences between the pin at
Gunpartswarehouse.com ($18.50) and the CZ-52-1 ($30), CZ-52-2 ($45) and CZ-52-3 ($45) from
Harrington Products?
3) This thing is a beast to fire . . . it had me kind of intimidated because of the recoil and the fact that I felt like it was slipping around in my hand. I've ordered a
Hogue Handall slip-on grip, so hopefully that will help!
4) I am right-handed. During firing, my right thumb would push on the safety and after several shots would push it to "Safe" so, obviously, the gun would stop firing. The safety feels like it's working correctly, with a detent in the "Fire" position. Is this just "my problem" and I need to work on my grip? Has anyone else experienced this?
5) I had a number of rounds -- perhaps one per mag -- that did not fire the first time, although the primers were dented. I know my Romanian ammo probably has rather hard primers, but is there a way to resolve this? Before firing the gun, I gave it a good cleaning, including the firing pin and channel, so there's no "gunk" in there. Would a new firing pin help this at all? Or a new hammer spring?
6) Once when removing an empty mag, and several time when inserting a loaded mag, the slide lock disengaged and the slide snapped closed. When inserting a freshly-loaded mag, this resulted in a round being chambered. I notice some
slight wear on the slide release and the corresponding area on the slide, but it doesn't look too bad. I verified that the grip is not touching the slide release. See the photos:

Any suggestions on how to resolve this? Is it possible to bend the tab on the slide release outwards slightly, to better engage the slide?
7) I shot 72 rounds, and only saw about 10 empty cases. I was at an indoor range, so I have no idea how the rest got so far away . . . but this baby was absolutely LAUNCHING them somewhere! I never did quite figure out which direction, but I had one bounce off my forehead and two of them go down the back of my shirt (ricochet off ceiling?) and make me hop around a bit.

Anyhow, that was interesting! I was grateful to have my safety glasses!
This is a fascinating pistol. Thanks for any help you can offer!